Monday, August 22, 2011

Game 1 Recap - Fall 2011

Boones 1 - Frisco 2

For those of you that didn't show - eff yoo! Watching the other team do wholesale subs every 5 minutes was akin to that scene in Three Amigos - when riding through the desert Steve Martin and Martin Short watch Chevy Chase pour water over himself then toss the canteen to the ground and apply lip balm. Good game otherwise... thank you franchise

Other notes:
Out - Brady and his scooter, Dawg, IceMan, Speedy, Mucio and his presentation, and Eric the new guy. We had three subs.
Putting the tent up before the game was a challenge.
Watching the tent blow into the field during the first half was hilarious and horrifically dangerous at the same time. I think that was the only bit of wind we had all day.
Brian White played keeper and wore Big Dave's neon yellow Personal Trainer shirt. It was ultra intimidating.
Frisco's first goal was within about 2 minutes from the opening kick off. I take back the comment about the Personal Trainer shirt - it had zero effect.
Boones came back fairly quickly. Big Dave tied it up with a nice shot from the right side to the far post.
Boones had a little energy in the first half and some good chances. Our energy level would change dramatically in the second half.
Halftime 1-1.
The second half was horrible. 3 subs (sometimes 2) was not nearly enough. The heat was unbearable and it had drained every one's energy.
Somehow Tutt and Pup were still able to run a little bit after performing a sprint triathlon that morning. I don't know how they did it!
We actually had some REALLY good chances in the second half. We just could not finish them.
Frisco got lucky when one of their midfielders launched a "shot" - it may have been a cross - from beyond the penalty area that soared above Brian White into the top corner.
We lost.
Have we ever won a game at Breckenridge? Seriously?
This is all Mucio's fault!
- #10

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Game One

We had a great practice this morning.  14 guys were present and withstood a little rain before it subsided. Two bigs things stood out at practice.
1. We have a new player...Eric.  He works with Clay and will be a good addition to the team.  Welcome to Boones United FC Eric.
2. Mickey made a new friend in Kona the peanut butter loving dog.

Chad graciously picked up our schedule.  The Fall 2011 season will be updated in the right nav very soon.

We have 20 guys on our roster and the following will miss game one.
- Chad
- Dawg
- Chris
- Brady
- Eric

That leaves 4 subs for a 1:00PM game.  I sure hope you guys get your rest.  Julio will have the equipment and ref money.

Julio will provide a schedule breakdown sometime soon, but here are a few highlights:
-  1 possible jersey conflict
-  6 games in Grapevine
-  1 Friday night game on 9/8 at 8:30
-  1 We play a team named after Durbin.  They are

Good luck next week.

Stu Dawg

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday Practice - 8/13

We are practicing this Saturday at Plano West Senior High School at 0800 sharp.  If you haven't been before, we practice on the north side of the school off Yearly road.  Please try to be on time.  I will pick up our schedule after practice.

If you have not paid, which 6 of you haven't, please bring cash to practice.

See you on Saturday.
