Friday, January 22, 2010

Boones Happy Hour and Beyond

Thanks to all the guys who came out last night:

Pup, Dawg, Chad, Davey, Franchise, Brett, Brian “Nutz” White, Clay, Mickey, Georgie, Mucio, and Bent.

I especially appreciate everyone bringing their money. We have just enough to cover registration on Sunday.

A few thoughts/topics we discussed.

1. Home field. We decided the top two fields would be The Colony and RE Goode.
2. Stu Brown and Brownie are out this season. I will be picking up one guy to replace them.
3. End of season – we can either play in the tournament like last year or use the same tournament weekend to go camping/kayaking. Pup will send a link to the canoe site to get an idea of what a multi-day trip would be like.
4. Dave and I are buying the team new socks. Orange socks to be specific. Dave will send a link so you can see how pretty they are.
5. Mucio – send me the pictures so we can get them on the blog. Thanks for bringing the camera.
6. I vote that we nickname Brian White “Nutz”. Reasons are obvious.
7. To make this a bit more competitive, Bent, Chad, Davey and a couple other guys were throwing around a few ideas for “grading” each position. For instance, the forwards must score 25 goals this season. If they fail, they must buy a case of boones for example. We still need to work out how to grade each position and what the punishment should be for failing. Send your ideas to the team for consideration.
8. We need a fight song.

Practice will be scheduled, weather permitting, the day I pick up the schedules, February 13th. Make plans accordingly. This will be an early practice, think 8:30.

Season starts on 2/21/10. I will request our games start after 1:00.

For those that didn’t pay, please send me your checks soon.

Stu Dawg

1 comment:

  1. 1. Cool, the Colony is close to my house.

    2. I am dedicating my season this year to the memory of Stu Brown. I will score at least two goals in his name, and maybe start smoking. I also think Bent should score a goal by punting the ball into the other goal in honor of Brownie.

    3. I vote for a kayaking trip as long as no one hits me in the nuts with a paddle.

    4. As long as you also get us the shoes I designed.

    5. Why did you wait until I left to take pictures?

    6. Mendie owns my nuts, so you would have to get her permission in order to do that.

    7. Just remember, I consider myself an assist player.

