Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fall 2010 Season

Quick update guys...

1. If you have not responded about Lone Star Park, please do so today or tomorrow. WIVES and GIRLFRIENDS are welcome.
2. Fall season starts on 8/22.
3. We have added a new player. David Ray is a Kappa Sig from UNT. Many of us went to school with D-Ray and are excited to add his talents to our team. Please welcome him in only the way that Boones United FC can.
4. We will have a few position changes this season. You can pick my brain or share your thougts at Lone Star.
5. Registration is 7/24 and 7/25. That means that I need your money. League fee is $70 each plus ref fees. $100 even should cover it. Any leftover will be applied to tasty Boones. I'm going to ask to put us in the same division.
2007 Surrey Oaks Dr.
Arlington, TX 76006
6. We will try to start practicing around 7/18 if possible. Practice will be in Denton at a sports athletic facility that Pup works at. It's a far drive, but we are guaranteed fields and shelter for all the sissies.
7. If you haven't started running, please do so a couple times a week to help with the hammies and general fitness. We were incredibly out of shape last season.

D-Ray - I need the following information emailed to me in order to get you properly registered.
Name, DOB, Address, Home and Mobile Phone, preferred email address

See you in a little over a week.

Coach Stu Dawg

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