Sunday, July 25, 2010

Practice - Hot

Thanks to the 12 brave souls who attended practice today. I do appreciate the time and effort you put into it. For those that didn't attend, here is a quick run-down.

1. Pup warmed us up and almost ended practice.
2. We shot at the goal and were about a 60/40 miss/hit.
3. We passed the ball with a bit of running. No puking.
4. Scrimmaged 6 on 7 with Stu's son Connor.
5. Shot on goal more.

Player of the match was Connor.

We are officially registered. Thanks to all that paid. There are still a few of you that owe me money. Please send this in now.

First game is on 8/22.

We will practice next weekend in Denton. Pup will get back to us on a Saturday or Sunday availability.

Talk to you guys soon,


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