Saturday, August 14, 2010

Last Practice and Schedules

7 guys showed for practice this morning. D-Ray, Peer, Georgie, Davie, Franchise, Mucio and Stu Dawg. We dominated the heat this morning for about an hour and a half.

Schedules are posted to the right. Here is a quick breakdown.

Division 30F - We were 30E last season which I requested this year as well.

1PM - 2
3PM - 5
5PM - 2
7PM - 1

5 Star - 1
Grapevine - 5
Hobby - 1
Premier Park - 1
Breckinridge - 1
Moss - 1

We have 3 potential jersey conflicts. If you do not have a yellow jersey, please let me know now. We may need to purchase a couple of these and will need them for our second game for sure.

Julio will provide our opponent analysis soon.

See you next week.

Stu Dawg

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