Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I'll wait for Julio's play by play awesome recap, but there are a few points I would like to make tonight.
1. After a quite embarrassing start being up 3 guys and not scoring, we finally pulled our heads out of our butts in the second half.  We showed a little resolve, moxy, balls...whatever you want to call it.
2. That was not the same team we played in week one.  Not sure what happened to their guys, but they definitely improved.  Mucio commented that they didn't know each other's name on the field.  I did send an email to NTPSA concerning illegal players and lack of id checking.
3. A loss in that game would have knocked us to second place and possibly put that team in the playoffs.  Imagine who they would show up with in the playoffs  Jorge Campos?
4. I saw a ton of hustle in the second half.  That is how we win games period.  Clay, you started it and kept pouring it on like water boarding.  Many other guys did a great job and pulled together as a team to get the W.  It felt good to go home on a positive note and enjoy a really big comeback over the Easter weekend.
5.  Injuries are starting to mount, so we will more than likely not play in the tournament.  Here is our AARP list:
Peer - Hammy - DTD
Brady - Leg - Out
Stu Dawg - Hammy DTD
Chuck - Groin - DTD
Davey - Ankle/Heel - DTD
Georgie - Ribs - DTD

I certainly hope everyone gets to spend some time reflecting on what's important this weekend and heals up nicely.

See you guys soon,

Stu Dawg

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