Friday, May 27, 2011

NTPSA 30G Finals Recap

Boones United vs Rangers

Out: Brady and Clay. Peer was injured and didn't play but was there for support.

Game time: Windy, Humid, Hot, and delayed from the previous game going into overtime and then penalty kicks.

First Half: Boones was playing well. Our offense was putting a lot of pressure on their defense and Jackie Moon (callback from previous blog entry). Our midfield and defense was doing a good job intercepting the ball before they could put too much pressure on us. Chris had to make a few saves and we gave up a few corner kicks, but overall a very solid defensive half. Boones had a horrible time getting shots on goal in our first playoff game, but this was not the case in the finals. Chuck got things started when he challenged Jackie Moon from the left side. Jackie blocked the initial shot and the ball rebounded back over to the right side. Big Dave was perfectly positioned and went in for the shot. He had to shoot quickly before Jackie and their fullbacks could cover up the goal. With incredible skill and accuracy, he nailed the shot in the back left corner of the goal. Boones 1 - Rangers 0.
Second Half: Boones kept up the pressure. Our offense was really giving their defenders a hard time. Big Dave got past their fullback and had a one on one with Jackie. Jackie charged Dave and slid on his side expecting to block a low quick shot by Dave. Dave was in the zone. Instead of a quick shot, he showed amazing patience and control and waited until Jackie was on the ground before shooting. Dave lofted the ball safely past Jackie to give Boones a 2-0 lead! Everything was going our way. With plenty of time left, the Rangers didn't give up. They were able to get a goal on a play where Chris came out to get a ball, but in some traffic was unable to secure it. One of the Rangers got the ball, created some space, and shot the ball into our open net. Boones 2 - Rangers 1. The Rangers had a few other chances. Chris made an awesome save on one play where a Ranger snuck past our defense on give and go. The Boones offense kept up the pressure. Mucio made a nice cross/pass that found Pup. He was a able to flick a header back to the middle. Big Dave charged in and fired off a lazer. Jackie Moon didn't have a chance. Hat Trick for Big Dave. What a game! Boones 3 - Rangers 1. Boones went into defensive mode to finish the game. Finally, Boones United FC wins the championship!
Boones for Life.

We got t-shirts, a kick-ace trophy, and the ability to tell anyone that will listen that WE ARE CHAMPIONS.


  1. My fc dallas hat is very upset that it was not mentioned has having a very important save early in the game. It did make one heck of a save on a wicked bounce. Anyway great win guys i cant wait till next season. Do u think we will have to move up a division next season? I cant wait to have the trophy for a week to show off to my friends and family.

  2. Gray claims NTPSA financial records indicate that Larry Hall is embezzling large amounts of money.
