Sunday, May 6, 2012

Game, forfeit rules, and announcement

Good evening Men of Boones United,

Please bear with me as this will be a long post as I’m on 1/3 of the way through my second margarita.  There are several things to discuss tonight including the forfeit rule, game today, and another announcement to wrap things up.

Before we get into the rules, let me start by saying that I appreciate your willingness to sit the Mother’s Day game out.  We have played for 6 years (12 seasons) and NEVER forfeited a game.  Many would say that we really never practiced either, but that is another story.  Our hard work all season enabled us to spend this time with our families on Mother’s Day, which we all know that NTPSA hates all Mothers, as they continue to schedule games on their day.  Here are the specific rules as they pertain to our dilemma on Mother’s Day:


F. Should a team forfeit for failure to appear for the game, not enough players, no ID cards or no nets, the team responsible for the forfeit is required to pay the entire referee fee incurred (referee and assistant referees) plus an additional $30.00 assessment to NTPSA prior to any further participation in NTPSA activities.


E. A team must notify the Association Commissioner, Division Commissioner or NTPSA League Office at least 48 hours prior to the regular scheduled game of any cancellation (forfeiture) or they will be forced to pay the entire referee fees plus assessment as stated in Rule IV.

As you can see, a $110 bucks is a bit steep for missing a game.   I will make the call and send an email to NTPSA on Thursday morning in order to confirm their receipt (will also send an email and bcc the team) and ask what would happen if both teams forfeit.

On to the game recap which #10 Pele Julio sent a brief summary (I sure miss the old ones), but I had a few thoughts that I wanted to share as well.  As you are accustom to seeing, I’ll do this in a list format.

1.       5 subs today were great and really beat down the other team who had 11 midway through the first half.

2.       Out today were Georgie – traveling to NY, Davey, Mucio and Todd to injury.  Mucio did show up to feed Drew and cheer on the team.

3.       Brady is back to full power.  So great to see that speed, a long run, then ended by falling down because you were fouled of course.

4.       I’ve never seen Tutt celebrate like he did on his 25 yard laser from the right post.  Awesome goal.

5.       Chuck is catching fire.  Great low shots that always have a chance.  If the goalie wasn’t playing as well as he was, Chuck, Eric, and a couple others that were pummeling him with shots would have blown this game out.

6.       Good to see D-Ray back.  I know you aren’t 100%, but providing quality shifts and giving teammates a breather was fantastic.  I hope that you continue to heal.

7.       After a brief spout of terrible passing, we pulled it together.  Our game was more balanced today and good to see that again.  Fundamentals of our most successful days are great goaltending, good defense, pressure and hustle, working the ball through our midfielders, sharp passing from the edge, and plenty of quality shots.  That’s how we played today.  It’s really fun to watch that develop from a defenders perspective.

8.       I would really like to play that team at full strength.  It would be a great game.  The 30E division has been solid with many good teams this season.  Except for the team last week, any team is capable of winning.

9.       We had good turnout of fans today.  This is one of those things that I really enjoy is seeing all the young kids, wives, and others out there at the game.  Our camaraderie between the players and each other families is special to me and something that I did not envision when we first started playing Boones United soccer.  A quick story…Bryce was standing on the trash can and Claire went over to him and told him to “get down this instant”.  Can’t coach that!

10.   Our biggest strength is our fellowship. 

My goal when starting our team, in the beginning, was to a)give me a chance to see my friends more often, b) get my buddies exercising as we got older, and c)to provide a competitive atmosphere to satisfy our need to push ourselves and grow as men.  For the guys in the early days, there were many embarrassing days where it took us 4 or 5 games just to score a goal, but the seed was planted.  We have lost, cut, or retired many guys over the year, but have a very solid group of men on our team now.  Guys that I enjoy seeing on and off the field whether it be at Ranger games, Thanksgiving, weddings, etc…you all have become a second family to me, and for that, I’m extremely grateful.

As time would have it, my home life is a bit more consuming with two children who our Lord has blessed me beyond my most wild imagination.  For those that have 2 kids, you understand what I’m talking about here.  It is my job to strike a fair balance between work and play.  Honestly, I need to relieve some of my type-A stress which I’m so good at creating.  I’ve spoken to a few guys on the team and I want to make sure I clear the air on the subject.  Your feedback was honest and appreciated.  Therefore, effective for our Fall season, Pup will take control of Boones United FC.

Let me make this very clear for everyone, what Pup says goes.  This is his team to make any and all decisions regarding divisions, player acquisition, co-captain requirements, practices, etc…I will move to a non-committal part-time playing basis.  If I can’t be there 100% of the time, I need to rely on someone that can and there is nobody I would rather have in that scenario than my Brother, Pup.  My biggest concern is setting the wrong expectation for you guys by saying that I will be there every week, when that is just not possible any longer.  I know that you will understand my decision and I look forward to many more seasons of Boones United FC soccer with each of you, my teammates and brothers.

I'm excited for our playoff run and for the future of Boones United FC soccer.  I hope that you are as well.  Let's go win this bitch!

Boones for Life,

Coach Stu Dawg

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


We are quickly approaching the end of our season and are winning, but paying the price for it.  As you all know, we have two games left with the last game on Mother's Day which I'm not expecting a very good turnout (we play Cruz Azul again who is in last place). 

The only team that can catch us for the playoffs is the team we play this Sunday.  Our game is at 3:00 at Five Star #1 which is the field closest to the high school.  Please be on time and ready to play.  I will also need to know who will be missing on Mother's Day.

See you on Sunday,

Stu Dawg

Friday, March 30, 2012

Rainouts Posted


Rainouts are posted.  We have a game on 5/6 and 5/13 which is Mother's Day.  If we need to forfeit Mother's Day, please let me know in advance so we do not get fined.

I'm not going to mention last weeks game besides the fact that it is on me.  I did not set expectations or play worth a flip.  WE WILL BE BETTER THIS WEEK!

We are playing a good team this week and hope to see everyone there.

Stu Dawg

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Game Two Victory

Great game today guys.  I really don't have a ton to say, but there are a few bullet points:
  • That field sucks. 
  • Joel started the scoring today and we had to hear about it for the rest of the day.  Good to have 'Chise back in the golden boot odyssey.
  • Dave scored again proving his theory of soccer and soccer practice...shoot...shoot...shoot...shoot.  You get the idea.
  • Brady had a good tester early on when he had a classic breakaway.  He did a good job and didn't fall at the end much to the dismay of 'Chise.
  • We all need to go and get snipped as there were a ton of kids today at the game due to the great weather.  It's always fun to see them out there having a good time.
  • Our old buddy Jay was hurt.  I didn't get a chance to say hi to him, but his leg looked pretty tore up as he had some serious hardware around it.  Which leads me to think that if I could see an x-ray or Georgie's knee, it would like that as well. 
  • BTW...good game today Georgie.  We found your calling to party with us defenders.
  • Mickey took one on the chin from the refs when he showed up as the ref told him that we were losing 4-0.  Definitely one of the first times I have seen a ref give our team a hard time.
Only two people missing today, Chuck and D-Ray.  Hope your knee feels better soon.

Eric and Tutt are out for game three.

Have a good week,

Stu Dawg

Friday, March 2, 2012

Game One Results

Without question, Iceman deserves player of the game.  He made several strong saves that could have easily tilted this game to a 5-3 loss.  Iceman definitely brought his A game as the defense was trying to hold, but had a little rust in the first half.  Apparently the practice 10 minutes before the game didn't help too much.

1. Pup scored a freakin' laser from around 25 yards.  Their goalie never stood a chance.  This was against the wind and our first shot of the season and nearly our only shot of the half.
2. Davie got in on the scoring with a breakaway that he pounded through the goalies hands.
3. An own goal laser shot/pass from their right defender to their goalie late in the second half put the game away for BUFC.

Overall, it was a good win against a good team.  We were lucky to get away with a victory, but our hustle and ability to buckle down in the second half proved to be too much.

Missing players
- Brett
- Preston
- Brady
- Eric

See you on Sunday.

Stu Dawg

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Spring 2012 Schedules are in!

First game is next weekend at 3:00.  We play the Glencoe Rovers FC.  I believe we have played them before, but I don't recall any information about the team.  They were in 30G last season along with the Gunners.
First thoughts from the schedule:
- The 30G division no longer exists, so techincally, we didn't move up a division.  We are still in the second to last division.
- Our friends Frisco United, Fury FC, and FC Inferno 30 Red will be in our division again.
- The division has 10 teams which means we can't afford to have off weeks.
- Game locations:
   -- 3 games in Grapevine
   -- 3 games at Five Star #1
   -- 1 game at Breckenridge in Richardson
   -- 1 game at Campbell Greene in Plano
   -- 2 games at Premier Park #3
- Game times:
   -- 1 game at 1:00
   -- 4 games at 3:00
   -- 5 games at 5:00
- 2 potential jersey conflicts on 3/11 and 3/18