Sunday, March 4, 2012

Game Two Victory

Great game today guys.  I really don't have a ton to say, but there are a few bullet points:
  • That field sucks. 
  • Joel started the scoring today and we had to hear about it for the rest of the day.  Good to have 'Chise back in the golden boot odyssey.
  • Dave scored again proving his theory of soccer and soccer practice...shoot...shoot...shoot...shoot.  You get the idea.
  • Brady had a good tester early on when he had a classic breakaway.  He did a good job and didn't fall at the end much to the dismay of 'Chise.
  • We all need to go and get snipped as there were a ton of kids today at the game due to the great weather.  It's always fun to see them out there having a good time.
  • Our old buddy Jay was hurt.  I didn't get a chance to say hi to him, but his leg looked pretty tore up as he had some serious hardware around it.  Which leads me to think that if I could see an x-ray or Georgie's knee, it would like that as well. 
  • BTW...good game today Georgie.  We found your calling to party with us defenders.
  • Mickey took one on the chin from the refs when he showed up as the ref told him that we were losing 4-0.  Definitely one of the first times I have seen a ref give our team a hard time.
Only two people missing today, Chuck and D-Ray.  Hope your knee feels better soon.

Eric and Tutt are out for game three.

Have a good week,

Stu Dawg

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