Friday, March 30, 2012

Rainouts Posted


Rainouts are posted.  We have a game on 5/6 and 5/13 which is Mother's Day.  If we need to forfeit Mother's Day, please let me know in advance so we do not get fined.

I'm not going to mention last weeks game besides the fact that it is on me.  I did not set expectations or play worth a flip.  WE WILL BE BETTER THIS WEEK!

We are playing a good team this week and hope to see everyone there.

Stu Dawg

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Game Two Victory

Great game today guys.  I really don't have a ton to say, but there are a few bullet points:
  • That field sucks. 
  • Joel started the scoring today and we had to hear about it for the rest of the day.  Good to have 'Chise back in the golden boot odyssey.
  • Dave scored again proving his theory of soccer and soccer practice...shoot...shoot...shoot...shoot.  You get the idea.
  • Brady had a good tester early on when he had a classic breakaway.  He did a good job and didn't fall at the end much to the dismay of 'Chise.
  • We all need to go and get snipped as there were a ton of kids today at the game due to the great weather.  It's always fun to see them out there having a good time.
  • Our old buddy Jay was hurt.  I didn't get a chance to say hi to him, but his leg looked pretty tore up as he had some serious hardware around it.  Which leads me to think that if I could see an x-ray or Georgie's knee, it would like that as well. 
  • BTW...good game today Georgie.  We found your calling to party with us defenders.
  • Mickey took one on the chin from the refs when he showed up as the ref told him that we were losing 4-0.  Definitely one of the first times I have seen a ref give our team a hard time.
Only two people missing today, Chuck and D-Ray.  Hope your knee feels better soon.

Eric and Tutt are out for game three.

Have a good week,

Stu Dawg

Friday, March 2, 2012

Game One Results

Without question, Iceman deserves player of the game.  He made several strong saves that could have easily tilted this game to a 5-3 loss.  Iceman definitely brought his A game as the defense was trying to hold, but had a little rust in the first half.  Apparently the practice 10 minutes before the game didn't help too much.

1. Pup scored a freakin' laser from around 25 yards.  Their goalie never stood a chance.  This was against the wind and our first shot of the season and nearly our only shot of the half.
2. Davie got in on the scoring with a breakaway that he pounded through the goalies hands.
3. An own goal laser shot/pass from their right defender to their goalie late in the second half put the game away for BUFC.

Overall, it was a good win against a good team.  We were lucky to get away with a victory, but our hustle and ability to buckle down in the second half proved to be too much.

Missing players
- Brett
- Preston
- Brady
- Eric

See you on Sunday.

Stu Dawg