Sunday, April 5, 2009

Game 8 Recap

Boones ... sweet, sweet Boones!

Nice one today. That felt good to get back at those kids. Here is what happened:

There were some big winds out at Lake Grapevine. Mucio lost the coin flip so were against the wind to start the game. It was back and forth for much of the first half. Both sides had their chances. With the style of play on the pitch, there were some calls that resulted in free kicks. Boones had a few in first half. Chad was the king of the free kick out there. The first one smoked in there right on goal (recall this was against the wind) and the keeper made a great save and batted it down. After bouncing back and forth from team to team, Davey got a bounce about knee high and lazered it into the back of net. We're up 1-0. On the second free kick, Chad launched the kick right on goal again. Boones almost had the 2-0 lead but the ball barely hit the top cross bar and bounced down. Half time with the 1-0 lead.
As we were all smoking and relaxing at half time, those Coppell kids could not sit still and went out and took practice shots (oh to be 19 again).
The second half started and Boones had some more great chances. Georgie had a good shot. Dave had a couple. Brian White barely missed a sweet cross from Joel. Chad again had a couple of free kicks that almost went in. On one of those free kicks (or maybe it was a corner?) - Tutt was there and headed the ball on goal. It hit the top cross bar, bounced back out and Jamie headed it on goal. The ball again hit the top crossbar and bounced out and Brady went up and headed it on goal again. That header just cleared over the cross bar. Crazy ace play!
Jamie decided that 1-0 was not enough and took on their entire defense. He stole the ball from a few dudes then raced to the goal. He was tackled by two defenders and the goalie but kicked the ball at the last second and found the goal. Incredible hustle play! Boones 2 - Coppell 0. The next play was amazing. Brownie made some great saves and was the man at keeper! But obviously the dude wants to score goals too ... so he launched a punt with that wind that headed right towards their goal. Brady went chasing after it but the ball took a killer bounce (or two bounces) and their keeper was up just a little too far. He had to jump up for the ball ... but that punt was perfect and he was only able to get a finger on it. Brownie scored a freakin goal as keeper! How sweet is that!
This will hopefully help our playoff chances. Great win Boones!


  1. Ahhh...sweet, sweet boones. soccer/football is fun. I wish we could play on Easter, J.C. would like that.
    I bet we hit the crossbar or post a dozen times so the score could have/should have been much worse. Excellent soccer yesterday, smart defense, great goaltending, aggressive offense, and I looked good.
    That kid caved my chest I my shoulders can actually touch each other.

  2. Wow, boys I almost thought that Boones was lost without me and then you go off and school the 8th graders from Coppell. Way to pick up the W. I will be back next week without a gall stone in my gut, so I will run faster than ever. Send pics of your Cirque de Soleli injury, Franchise!


  3. Yeah, yeah.... Brownie had a shutout against a team that usually gets 5-8 goals a game, and he even scored with a punt. Yawn... Did he do it with a mo-hawk? I think not! Dave, and Jamie scored a couple of lucky goals, the defense somehow managed to keep the other team from scoring, mid-field launched blind crosses through the box hoping for the best all game, and everyone else kept missing horribly by hitting the post and not actually scoring. I am shocked we actually won that game. It's almost like we were more worried about getting a good team picture than actually playing soccer. The only positive thing I saw was the super awesome move by Stu B making one of those little punks slide tackle air about 10 feet from the ball. Pure greatness. Maybe next game everyone else can strive to be as good as him. Until then, make sure to load up on peep's, Boone's, chocolate rabbits, and chocolate rabbit eggs.

    (Mendie informed me that that sounded mean instead of sarcastic. Which is odd, because I am always sarcastic to her. Anyway to avoid confusion and hurt feelings, please see below)

    Great game guys! That was a fun win, and felt good. Feels great to win in such a grand fashion against a much younger team that usually puts up big numbers. Let's keep the streak alive.

  4. Team photo comments:

    1. Nice picture Brett, errrrrrrrr...
    2. Mucio, you are such a happy human and make me smile.
    3. Dave, you are a very angry human in the picture and make me tense.
    4. Thank goodness for XL jerseys.
    5. Perhaps we should consider rogaine as a sponsor.
    6. I promise to display the shocker much better next time.

    Fu Man Stu
