Monday, March 30, 2009

Game 7 Recap

Well - somehow we tied just about the worst team in our league with their best player hurt and out for over half of the game. Brady - I saw your comments and no it was not all your fault. Mostly your fault - but not all.
We could blame lots of things for why we did not win. Missing about 20 shots was one. Pele Julio stepping on his own foot and falling down like a pickle pants and giving them break away was one. Shorty McReferee making some pretty bogus calls was one. Stu Brown being five minutes late was one. Tutt and Brett not showing up was one (I don't care how sick you or your wife are, this is rec soccer for Pete's sake! There are t-shirts at stake.) And Brady was a big one (I said was not has).
On a positive note- I thought Georgie had a heck of game. He made some of the best passes I have seen all season. Brownie (or is it Browning) played great again at keep.
Here is the deal - we pretty much gotta start kickin ace or we are done for. I hate you guys.



  1. I plan on redeeming myself for missing a wide open look from a brilliant pass by Brady last week by scoring twice next Sunday, once by a header and once by a bicycle kick. If this baby fiasco permits that is. So far scheduled for Monday night/ Tuesday morning......? It's pretty much a waiting game at this point. How can someone that isn't even born yet be so selfish? I mean the nerve making me spend the weekend in the hospital instead of aggressively pursuing an xxl large generic shirt that I will never wear anyway. When she is born she is sooooo grounded!

  2. Discipline starts does drinkin'.
