Sunday, February 14, 2010

Spring 2010 Schedule Analysis

Here is my best attempt to analyze our schedule.

1. In unprecedented fashion, we have 5 games at 1900. 2 games at 1500. 2 games at 1300 and 1 game at 1700.
2. Also unprecendented, we have 5 games at McInnish Park. That is the park you drive through to get to RE Goode. I can guarantee your first response was "O Sh*t!" Not the crappy fields by the lake with no grass. We'll compadres, we are in luck. These are the super nice fields at the front of the complex next to Sandy Lake road. Hopefully they are in good shape.
3. Technically speaking, we have 8 home games with our two home fields being Five Star and RE Goode/McInnish. Perfect location for all I believe.
4. 2 games at Moss. I can almost guarantee those will be rainouts. Gotta love the city of Dallas.
5. We may only have one jersey conflict on 3/21.
6. Midas stole our orange jerseys.
7. We play our pals Darkhorse twice. First game is second game of season.
8. According to #10 Pele Julio's analysis, the best team should be Baron United. We play then twice, the first time on our first game.
9. According to #10 Pele Julio's analysis, the worst teams last season were Manchester SC and Rangers FC 03. We play each team once. Anything can happen here as we well know.
10. No games at Premier Park. Nutz appreciates that I'm sure.

Looking forward to next weekend. Hopefully the wind will dry the fields our a bit and get us ready for a great game.

If you haven't paid, I expect cash next week.

Stu Dawg

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