Monday, March 15, 2010


Boones Players and Fans,

We are 2-0. Not too shabby. Another 3-2 victory. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Pup with a hat trick. He was on fire. You can thank him for this win.
2. Pup's first goal was a one man show. Pup stole the bouncy ball from their keeper as he was trying to grab it. Then pup used his left to finish it off. Boones 1 - Real Suburbia 0.
2.5. An unfortunate incident happened in the first half with one of Real Suburbia's players. During a throw in, this player about ripped his torso in half. Seriously though, he did something pretty bad. He instantly fell to the ground and did not get up for about 10 minutes until one of their players drove on the field. He was loaded in the car (with a little help from Big Dave) and taken to a hospital. Hopefully he will be o.k. Half time score Boones 1 - Real Suburbia 0.
3. Pup's next goal was awesome too. Either Dave or Mickey gave him a sweet assist. 2-0 Boones.
4. Defense screwed up a little bit to let Real Suburbia back in it. Defense was trying to play keep-away from Real Suburbia when Chad passed it outside to Brett and then Brett attempted to pass it back inside to Chad. That pass got a little out of control and landed right at the feet of their best player #11. #11 lined it up and lazered it in. Boones 2 - Real Suburbia 1.
5. That goal really gave Real Suburbia some momentum. They were putting a lot more pressure on us as the second half wore on. #11 was especially giving us some problems. Bent made some good saves and the defense made some good stops.
6. Pup got his final awesome goal. Either Dave or Mickey gave him a sweet assist. Boones 3 - Real Suburbia 1.
7. Real Suburbia continued their pressure and kept winning corner kicks. After continuing to stop them, they finally got lucky when #11 put an average header right to Bent that somehow slipped out of Bent's arms and into the goal. Boones 3 - Real Suburbia 2.
8. We got the win but we need to secure these two goal leads we are getting.
9. Dawg and Todd were missing.
10. Peer did great in his first game except for bringing the wrong jersey. We made it work though.
11. I've got to go now, I am going to drive 9 hours down to Padre and party may ace off for the rest of Spring Break. Beer Bong Me!!!

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