Saturday, March 6, 2010

Game Three (Two)

Men of Boones,

It looks like there may be a bit of rain moving in tomorrow, but hopefully it will hold off for you. #10 Pele Julio has the cards and money for the next 4 games. I will not play the next two weeks and the two weeks after that I will be out of town for work. Hopefully that will give my hip enough time to heal properly. I'm not too optimistic after an initial meeting with an orthopedist, but you never know what will happen. MRI scheduled for 3/11, then I don't meet with him to get the readings until 4/2. His advice to me after readying an x-ray about the shape of my hips was, "you should not be playing soccer". Interesting.

Anyway, I'll try to make the game next week and coach if possible. Hope you guys are feeling well and make sure you dominate in fantasy points.

Brett White will miss again this week. He is traveling to Korea today.

Take care of business this week,

Coach Stu Dawg

P.S. I think you guys are number 1! Jacket and headband provided by Nutz courtesy of Ross.

1 comment:

  1. Awesomeness! The ensemble, not the injury. Hurry and get well, we'll never meet our red card quota without you!
