Monday, February 28, 2011

Game 2 Recap

Recap from Game 2:

Out - Mickey and Brian White
Late - George and Chad
Injuries - Brady took himself out with minor muscle tightness; Mucio got popped in the face (he actually stopped smiling) and had some swelling near his chin

The wind was the major star of the game yesterday. It made us all look like fools. Headers were going backwards & sideways, defensive clearance kicks were going straight up then backwards, and not to mention all the whiffs out there (Chad).

We did much better in the first half when we were against the wind. Big Dave got the first goal when their keeper made a bad decision to kick a ball instead of picking it up. Dave pressured his kick and the ball hit Dave and bounced right back in the goal. Boones 1 - Weekenders 0.
Dave got the second goal when an excellent cross came from the right side (I'm guessing Joel) to the middle where Dave trapped it and shot it right past their keeper. Text book. Boones 2 - Weekenders 0. We missed on a some more opportunities and luckily so did the Weekenders. They had some decent chances near the end of the first half but were badly off target with their shots.
In the second half we had the wind at our backs. I think that made it more challenging to keep possession. However, early in the second half we were able to put something together. I think it went like this: Brett nice pass to Pup, Pup dishes off to Chuck, Chuck kicks ball into defender, Chuck gets ball back from defender, then Chuck scores goal. Boones 3 - Weekenders 0.
Weekenders put a little something together with two goals against us later in the second half. Both shots probably (in my opinion) would have gone over the top of the goal on a normal day, but the wind guided them down and it made for an interesting finish. We were able to stop them the rest of the way to earn our second win in two games. Boones 3 -Weekenders 2.

Quick Hits:
Hobby sucks.
Chuck has three goals in two games. It must be that awesome number 60 jersey he is wearing.
I had two or three accidental handballs in the game that no one saw.
Great turnout to the games so far this season.
That guy on the Weekenders was better when he wore the high-tops.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Game Two

Don't look now, but there is a 20% chance of rain on Sunday.  Keep in mind that we are playing on Dallas fields and they cancel if someone spills a cup of water on them.  Stay tuned to the blog and NTPSA website for updates.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Game One Results

My thoughts on our first game.
1. We have a bonafied keeper after all these years. 
2. The wind made the game a little interesting.  You could have sailed a boat on those fields.  Incidentally, the wind was so rough, it caused the fields to ripple.
3. Speaking of which, those fields need some serious flattening.  Not sure how you do it, but I guarantee that when their big #90 striker fell on the ground, that spot is flat.
4. #17 is one of the dirtiest soccer players of all time.  I'm glad Davey pushed his down so he could get a better look at his new socks.  I couldn't quite understand his english, but he told me they were bueno!
5. Score was 5-0 and could have been easily 10-0 or 10-2.  They had a couple floaters hit off the crossbar, but Chris was able to get enough of a touch to redirect.
6. Only Todd and Preston were out.  Tutt made it after halftime.
7. From personal experience, I was really rusty.  I'm glad that we played a weak team our first game. 

Good start to our season.

Coach Stu Dawg

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Practice and Things


We had a great turnout today. Thank you for coming out and getting a little of the soreness out of the way. Hopefully nobody was too injured when they left. Also, a big thanks to Pup for securing the field. It was awesome to have some thing that nice for a while.

A couple more thoughts.
1. Everyone has paid. Thank you. I also appreciate you pitching in the $5 bucks or so to rent the field.
2. Chris and Chuck - make sure you get your cards this week or you don't play. Chris mentioned he is going next Saturday.
3. If you are interested in getting a bigger size jersey, xxl, I have Stu Brown's and we need to give you jersey to Chuck.

Three notes about the blog.
1. I put league contact information in the right hand side. This will come in handy when we need their phone numbers or email addressed if an issue arises.
2. The schedule is updated for your convenience. Please double check me against for any typos.
3. I'm going to work on a distribution list so if anyone updates the blog, it will automatically generate an email to each one of you. Testing will commence this week.

I'm really excited about our upcoming season. We really do have a chance to win this thing.

See you next week,

Stu Dawg

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Real Big Game

The big game was not the Super Bowl in Jerry World yesterday. The real big game is Boones vs Boones at 4:00 pm in Denton on Sunday. Here are the squads:

Royal Boones:
Dave, Joel, Brady, tba, Mickey, D-Ray, Brett, Chad, Preston, and Julio

Sky Boones:
Pup, Nutz, Chuck, Clay, George, Mucio, Peer, Tutt, Bent, and Dawg

10 v 10 with no keepers. It is imperative that everyone attend. If you can not make it Sunday, please notify your coach as soon as possible. We will attempt to find replacement players if only a few guys can't make it.
Please bring at least $5.00 in cash (for field rental fees and wager), your royal blue jersey, and your sky blue jersey.
NTPSA provides us with a 10 game schedule. We usually get to play about 8 games. Consider this an extra game that we get to play this season.

Your coach will contact you soon with any further instructions.