Monday, February 28, 2011

Game 2 Recap

Recap from Game 2:

Out - Mickey and Brian White
Late - George and Chad
Injuries - Brady took himself out with minor muscle tightness; Mucio got popped in the face (he actually stopped smiling) and had some swelling near his chin

The wind was the major star of the game yesterday. It made us all look like fools. Headers were going backwards & sideways, defensive clearance kicks were going straight up then backwards, and not to mention all the whiffs out there (Chad).

We did much better in the first half when we were against the wind. Big Dave got the first goal when their keeper made a bad decision to kick a ball instead of picking it up. Dave pressured his kick and the ball hit Dave and bounced right back in the goal. Boones 1 - Weekenders 0.
Dave got the second goal when an excellent cross came from the right side (I'm guessing Joel) to the middle where Dave trapped it and shot it right past their keeper. Text book. Boones 2 - Weekenders 0. We missed on a some more opportunities and luckily so did the Weekenders. They had some decent chances near the end of the first half but were badly off target with their shots.
In the second half we had the wind at our backs. I think that made it more challenging to keep possession. However, early in the second half we were able to put something together. I think it went like this: Brett nice pass to Pup, Pup dishes off to Chuck, Chuck kicks ball into defender, Chuck gets ball back from defender, then Chuck scores goal. Boones 3 - Weekenders 0.
Weekenders put a little something together with two goals against us later in the second half. Both shots probably (in my opinion) would have gone over the top of the goal on a normal day, but the wind guided them down and it made for an interesting finish. We were able to stop them the rest of the way to earn our second win in two games. Boones 3 -Weekenders 2.

Quick Hits:
Hobby sucks.
Chuck has three goals in two games. It must be that awesome number 60 jersey he is wearing.
I had two or three accidental handballs in the game that no one saw.
Great turnout to the games so far this season.
That guy on the Weekenders was better when he wore the high-tops.


  1. Those whiffs were actually what us soccer players call 'dummies'. They only thought I was going to kick the ball but I was trying some juke moves that didn't work out.

    In all honesty, the cause may have been a bad sprain or broken ankle caused by the hard field or stepping on a manhole cover. If the game was today, i would be out. It's about the size of a grapefruit but no real bruising. I'm too scared to go to the doc for x-rays plus I don't want to be a puss like Brady so I'm going to play through it.

    This weeks opponent may be good so let's come prepared. Who's bringing the beer for the post-game roundup.

  2. Excellent recap #10 Pele Julio. We did sustain several injuries this week. Hopefully everyone will be on the HGH and ready for the big game on the cement fields at Hobby again.

    See you guys then,

    Stu Dawg
