Monday, February 21, 2011

Game One Results

My thoughts on our first game.
1. We have a bonafied keeper after all these years. 
2. The wind made the game a little interesting.  You could have sailed a boat on those fields.  Incidentally, the wind was so rough, it caused the fields to ripple.
3. Speaking of which, those fields need some serious flattening.  Not sure how you do it, but I guarantee that when their big #90 striker fell on the ground, that spot is flat.
4. #17 is one of the dirtiest soccer players of all time.  I'm glad Davey pushed his down so he could get a better look at his new socks.  I couldn't quite understand his english, but he told me they were bueno!
5. Score was 5-0 and could have been easily 10-0 or 10-2.  They had a couple floaters hit off the crossbar, but Chris was able to get enough of a touch to redirect.
6. Only Todd and Preston were out.  Tutt made it after halftime.
7. From personal experience, I was really rusty.  I'm glad that we played a weak team our first game. 

Good start to our season.

Coach Stu Dawg

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