Monday, November 14, 2011

Playoff Game One Winners!

Another excellent game yesterday gentlemen.  I was really pleased with the hustle and pressure applied to Inferno.  All in all, the best team won after a first time penalty shoot out.  That was very interesting, but I don't want to do that again. 

A few bullet points:
1. We won that game as a team.  It seemed to me that everyone played their best game of the year.
2.  Ice - truly great.  The wipeout at the end of the game was critical and a real momentum gain for our team.  Outstanding effort which carried over to the shootout.  They never stood a chance.
3. Defense was awesome.  Brett, Julio, Georgie, and Preston played lights out.  Very few shots on goal and we completely shut down #12.
4. Mid field was dominating as they constantly ran 3 and 4 forwards trying to attack. You guys played several thru balls to Dave, Chuck, and Clay.  Great hustle and pressure down their sides.  They just couldn't hang with your speed, agility, and quickness.
5. Forwards - always seemed to be in the right place and took good quality shots.  We have a few fly aways, but when you shoot the ball 20+ times, that will happen.  You guys keep pushing as we're due for a huge breakout in scoring.
6.  It was great to see Brady streaking, with clothes, down the field before the field ate his lunch.  I know that nobody enjoyed that moment more than Brady.  So glad to see you back on the pitch!
7. Julio damn near threw the throw in all the way to the net.  That is a great weapon to have.  Well done #10 Pele Julio!

A ton of fans were there to cheer us on yesterday, and for those who helped with Claire, thank you.  A special thanks to Ice Woman, Ice Girl, Byrce, Tyler, and Molly for spending some time with her.  When we got in the car she told me how much fun she had and asked why I didn't score a goal like Uncle Pup. 

We play at 3:00 on Sunday and I certainly hope that everyone can make it.

Stu Dawg

Monday, November 7, 2011

Game 10 Recap

Game 10: Boones 3 - Inferno Red 1

Out - Mucio, Chad, Brady, and Brett

Joel is on fire (see the neat picture of Joel above). Joel had two goals. He got things started when he received an excellent through pass and ran past the defenders. He drove the shot far post for our first goal. Later in the second half, Iceman punted the ball past midfield. Dave was there to win the ball, one touch the ball forward, run past the defenders, and then finish with an excellent shot. We had a nice lead at half.

Inferno scored quickly after the second half started. They beat a few of our defenders and got a crossing shot off that rolled out of Ice's hands and on to the foot of another Inferno player that kicked in the deflection.

But thanks to Tutt, others, and Joel we were able to get a third goal late in the second half to secure the win. Joel got the goal, Tutt was blamed for a high kick, and other stuff was going on too??? Basically we got the goal, won the game, and now we are off to the playoffs.


The ref was bad.

There was a lot of whining, complaining, and arguing going on in that game. Actually pretty typical this season.

All of the Inferno players and the ref really dislike Preston. On the contrary, I think Preston is kick ace!

Claire is the best fan ever! She offered me a pretty flower to put in my hair when I was taking a breather. She cheers for Stu Dawg like no other.

Eric must have dribbled around 4 or 5 Inferno players, then barely missed his shot. I think he has done this in every game he has played with us.

We had two standing bicycle kicks in the game (by Mickey or Nutz and Stu Dawg I think). Both were effective. Both were show-boating. Nice.

Chuck had a goal last week. In a previous blog post I said I thought it was Tutt that got that goal. Sorry Chuck, you are way better at soccer than Tutt and we still lost that game.

Joel is on fire.


Game Ten and Playoffs

Good win yesterday guys.  I was impressed with the effort and our ability to hold on to a win.  We have let a few of these get away from us this season.  Julio can recap the game for us.

It ends up that we are in 3rd place and will play the same team on Sunday at 5:00PM at Premier Park #2.  Don't be surprised if a few new faces show up for the other team.  They are a club team and generally carry large rosters for playoffs. 

We were knocked out of 2nd place by .07 of a point.  Please make sure you are on time.  The walk won't be so bad this time since it is the second field.

Be ready to hustle and give it everything you have.  We can win this thing.

See you on Sunday,

Stu Dawg

Friday, November 4, 2011

Games 7,8, and 9 recap

Game 7:
Frisco United 3 - Boones United 3
Boones had a 3-1 lead. Then we gave up goals on some free kicks late in the game and flushed the win down the toilet. We foul too much.

Game 8:
Rangers 2 - Boones United 2
We again had the lead in the game - then gave it up late off of a free kick. Joel got both goals (that is 5 goals against the Rangers this season). We foul way too much.

Game 9:
Welcome back Brady to Boones United! His first game back from injury ... and we lose. Not his fault though. I blame everyone that took a shot and missed (including me). They only had about 4 or 5 shots all game (a few missed, one hit the cross the bar, and two went in). We had about 10 shots per half and almost all of them were not on goal. Every shot we missed in the second half was costing us about 4 to 6 minutes of play time because their keeper took so long to retrieve the ball. I barely remember the play - but I think it was Tutt that scored our only goal.
Fury 2 - Boones 1

Yea I know - the recaps suck. But I am busy and stuff. So suck it.

Your pal,
#10 Pele Julio