Saturday, February 28, 2009

Game Three Starting Lineup

Big changes in bold - read carefully

Forward - Brian W./Brady --sub Dave
Mid inside - Todd/Stu Brown --sub Pup
Mid outside - Georgie/Brownie --sub Mucio
Fullback inside - Chad/Tutt --sub Preston

Fullback outside – Julio/Brett --sub Stu Dawg

Keep - Clay

Joel and Mickey - Out

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Big Lineup Changes

Guys - Since we are missing two guys this week, we are going to move a few people around to maximize our strengths. I'll post after jury duty sometime this weekend. If you have any suggestions, it could make some interesting reading.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Game 2 Recap

My first blog and Game 2 Recap:


A. I remember Five Star fields being in pretty good condition. NOT!
B. We scored one soccer goal and probably two or three football field goals (they didn't count those though).
C. Speaking of our one soccer goal, we have decided to give the credit of that goal to Tutt. Tutt had made an aggressive play and won controller of the ball. As he was advancing the ball, the AGIANT swooped in and hacked the ball away from him. Not giving up on the play and probably a little embarrassed about getting his rock stolen, Tutt ran down the AGIANT and took back what belonged to him - the soccer ball. He then made a perfect pass to Joel who was streaking down the right side. Tutt used his Jedi mind powers to force Joel into an accurate and forceful shot that found the back of the net. Way to go Tutt!
D. The AGIANT scored a goal against us soon after. I really don't know what happened, but I am blaming Stu Dawg and Brownie. Yes I was involved in the play too, but since I don't really know how the ball made it into to goal it can't be my fault. I am also blaming Chad, Tutt, Preston, Brett, and Mickey ... where were you guys on that play?? I can tell you where you weren't ... smushed on the ground by the AGIANT like I was!
E. Brady missed a goal. Heck of play by Brian White on a fine move and an even sweeter cross. Way to ruin it Brady! Good game though.
F. Funniest part of the game - when the AGIANT big guy with the fancy footwork had the ball and Stu Brown was defending him. There was a two yard cushion between the two and the AGIANT gave Stu Brown the "come on" gesture. Stu Brown looked at the AGIANT with a you gotta be kidding me face. The AGIANT made his fancy dancy move and then tried a pass - it landed right in Stu Brown chest. HA!
G. Thanks to Chad for the cold brew and Boones. Blue and yellow/orange colored Boones is o.k., but I would like to try something in a purple or green next time.

And remember Boones: When there's thunder, there should be rain, but it don't always follow the rule. And is the wise man always right? No he can play the fool.

- Pele Julio

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Game Two Starting Lineup

Forward - Jamie/Brady sub Dave
Halfback - Brian W/sub Georgie; Todd/Stu Brown/sub Clay; Joel/sub Mucio
Fullback – Julio/sub Brownie; Chad/Tutt/sub Preston; Mickey/sub Brett
Keep - Dog

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cold Beverages After Game

I will be providing cold Miller Lite and a couple bottles of Boone's for a victory refreshment on Sunday at the park. Don't be scared!

Training Schedule

Today, I need all members to walk at least 1 mile to stay loose. A bottle of Boone's may be present during the walk. Tomorrow, all members shall stretch in a hottub with at least 1 woman in a bikini or less to help you with you hamstrings. Sunday, gameday, no drinking until 7:05pm please.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Game Two

Excellent game last week. I've never seen us play that well. Hopefully, that will not be our peak for the season.

Game Two is at Five Star in the Colony, field #8 - 5:00. Schedule is on the right. Please add a comment if you will not be at the game. You can now anonymously comment, so those who are scared to register should be able to comment.

Tutt/Brownie - your yellow jerseys are in and your numbers are being applied.

Monday, February 16, 2009

#10 Pele Julio's Game One Recap

Game One Recap.

Boones 8 - Atlas 0

Well done men. Notes from the game.
1. It was really cold.
2. I don't know who recruited those two new guys, but they are terrible at soccer. We should kick them off the team.
3. Way to go Brownie and Tutt, you guys are awesome. Gameballs to you both. Welcome to Boones!
4. Those fields are worse than I remember. Thank goodness that is our only game out there this season.
5. Chad proclaimed that the defense would not let in any goals this season, so far he is a smart man.
Q. Passing was superb last night ... that almost looked like real soccer.
22. Goals recap: Big Dave had 4. One header, one lazer, and two accurately placed chips. Keep that up! Brady had one - don't remember the details but it was sweet! Joel had one, a cross that was deflected by a defender that turned into a goal. We'll take it. And finally, Preston after all these years got a header off a corner kick. I love it when our fullbacks score!
%. Uniforms looked good. You guys don't look as fat in blue as you did in yellow.
Next. Did you guys see my rocket punt I had that almost decapitated Stu Dawg? Good times.

- #10 Pele Julio

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Game One Starting Lineup

Forward - Jamie/Brady/sub Dave
Halfback - Brian W/sub Georgie; Todd/Stu Brown /sub Clay; Joel/sub Mucio
Fullback – Julio/sub Brownie; /Chad/Tutt/sub Preston; Mickey/sub Brett
Keep - Dog

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Soccer Shopping

Dave and I went at lunch today and bought 2 corner flags, goalie gloves, ordered 2 XL yellow jerseys for Tutt and Brownie, and a soccer ball. We then went in the parking lot and Dave fired off shots until his leg fell off.

Can't wait for Sunday!

6th Season Begins on Sunday

Welcome to the Boones United F.C. blog spot. We will use this site to blog game posts, updates for team events, and any other communication you would like to post.

I can tell you I'm really excited about our team this year. Boones United has a strong chance to be very competitive after a injury prone 5th season. We have added two new players, Brian Tutt and Ryan Brown, who will bolster our defense with youth and lots of soccer experience.

For those who couldn't attend practice, I will have your socks/jerseys at the game.

Guys - first game is Sunday at 7:00PM - Hobby. Reply back if you will not make the game.