Monday, February 23, 2009

Game 2 Recap

My first blog and Game 2 Recap:


A. I remember Five Star fields being in pretty good condition. NOT!
B. We scored one soccer goal and probably two or three football field goals (they didn't count those though).
C. Speaking of our one soccer goal, we have decided to give the credit of that goal to Tutt. Tutt had made an aggressive play and won controller of the ball. As he was advancing the ball, the AGIANT swooped in and hacked the ball away from him. Not giving up on the play and probably a little embarrassed about getting his rock stolen, Tutt ran down the AGIANT and took back what belonged to him - the soccer ball. He then made a perfect pass to Joel who was streaking down the right side. Tutt used his Jedi mind powers to force Joel into an accurate and forceful shot that found the back of the net. Way to go Tutt!
D. The AGIANT scored a goal against us soon after. I really don't know what happened, but I am blaming Stu Dawg and Brownie. Yes I was involved in the play too, but since I don't really know how the ball made it into to goal it can't be my fault. I am also blaming Chad, Tutt, Preston, Brett, and Mickey ... where were you guys on that play?? I can tell you where you weren't ... smushed on the ground by the AGIANT like I was!
E. Brady missed a goal. Heck of play by Brian White on a fine move and an even sweeter cross. Way to ruin it Brady! Good game though.
F. Funniest part of the game - when the AGIANT big guy with the fancy footwork had the ball and Stu Brown was defending him. There was a two yard cushion between the two and the AGIANT gave Stu Brown the "come on" gesture. Stu Brown looked at the AGIANT with a you gotta be kidding me face. The AGIANT made his fancy dancy move and then tried a pass - it landed right in Stu Brown chest. HA!
G. Thanks to Chad for the cold brew and Boones. Blue and yellow/orange colored Boones is o.k., but I would like to try something in a purple or green next time.

And remember Boones: When there's thunder, there should be rain, but it don't always follow the rule. And is the wise man always right? No he can play the fool.

- Pele Julio


  1. Couple of quick thougts...

    1. That was one of the all time great moments when Fu Man Stu put his hands in the air, didn't move and totally outgunned that billyhoe right in front of our bench. The entire team started laughing at that guy including the guys on the field...genius defending Fu Man Stu.
    2. I have no idea how the ball went in. I know that I stopped the first shot diving and then the same guy from the Fu Man Stu incident scored while he was humping #10 Pele Julio.
    3. I can't believe I'm about to type this, but the team we destroyed last week WON THEIR GAME!
    4. It was nice to play on a field with a bit more grass than Hobby brazilian cut turf.
    5. The Boones was delicious.

  2. I say Eff Tutt getting credit for my goal, he gave me a HOSPITAL ball and I the defender planted his cleat in my ankle as made the greatest shot in the history of Boones Football. Now my ankle is purple...Thanks Tutt! Learn how to pass!
    and I only drink Boones after a victory!!!

    I love Blogging...and I love Mucio.

    Good Luck next week,

  3. Never again will I let my family talk me into going to Babe's restaurant and pigging out on a plate sized chicken fried steak, tons of vegetables, and rolls two hours before a soccer game! I was running like I had cement boots on yesterday. No doubt I could have been out run by Stu's son Conner, and maybe even George's daughter on a pogo stick! I will try a different strategy for next week, I am starting a week long fast as of now, until we get a win.
