Monday, August 24, 2009

Game One Recap

That was brutal!

Welcome to division 30F and the loss column. Are you kidding me?
I still can not beleive we lost. Maybe it was the heat. Maybe it was the lack of subs. Maybe it was the defensive screw-ups. Maybe it was the missed goals. Regardless of what it was, we lost to MUFC 4-5.
The good:
A hat trick by Jamie.
A nice PK goal by Todd.
A nice run by Stu Brown to give us that PK.
Some good chances that just were off the mark (Dave, Brady, Tutt, Brian W, Joel, Jamie, Todd, and even Brett)
The bad:
No shade.
The field was terrible.
3:00 start on an incredibly hot day.
Not being able to sub when we wanted to (I thought we were free to sub whenever we wanted?).
Missing all of those good chances.
And the worst - the defense. We were all out of sorts yesterday. We gave them too many breakaways. We lost to many contested balls. We gave them way too many shots on goal. We have not given up 5 goals in a long time. We will play better back there.

I probably missed a ton of detail, but the sun fried my brain yesterday. Please add your comments.
In conclusion, we lost because of Stu Dawg, Mucio, Brownie, Chad, and half because of Stu Brown. Way to go guys! The good news is that we are scheduled to play these guys again. I can't wait!


  1. I agree defense was bad, they (2 guys) were faster than us and we kept running the trap. We were beat up and spent yet we kept running the trap. We had this discussion 1 year ago and I thought we dicided against the trap. When did we go back? Our fullbacks were getting 2 minute breathers in between subs. This game was brutal and I'm still sick to my stomache for the way I played but this is just one game and as Pele said we get to play them again. I can't wait to meet up with the guy that mangled my foot. Wanna see some nasty pics (big toe and surronding area) let me know. I saw him go after two others. Anyway, lets not get too twisted about this game. We'll be so much better off with more subs, playing in this heat. Hopefully we'll have some shade next week at the same field, at the same time. Any ideas?

  2. I'll be mister positive...
    Pup was great, almost the single greatest soccer performance in history because he could've had 8 goals. I predict an awesome season for him, unless he ends up sucking. Then I predict Dave or Brady to have excellent seasons.Whatever.

    Overall it was first game rust and effing rediculous heat with a lack of subs. The other team would do wholesale substitutions.

    Oh, there keeper was excellent absolutely he saved their asses over and over again.Looking forward to playing them again.

    p.s.- my eyeballs are sunburned.
