Monday, August 31, 2009

Game Two Recap

No recap just a few statements:
We are just not playing as good as we should. I don't feel like analyzing what we did bad and what we did good. We just need to win a game.


  1. Agreed,

    Maybe we should practice this weekend? Also, Maybe we need someone (Stu Brown) on the team to point out individuals weaknesses and areas for improvement. Not to the whole team but individually. I would really be open to constructive criticism (Don't woof the ball doesn't count as constructive). Or perhaps we could get someone to record a game... I dunno just some thoughts. Remember, we really started out crappy a couple of years ago and came back to win 7 of 8 games. We always start slow...

  2. Unfortunately practice will not help hustling and desire. We need to find a way to make sure we feel like putting forth effort during every play of every game. If you do not, that is fine. Please stay at home and show up the next week. We are not playing to our potential. WE WILL TURN THIS LOSING STREAK AROUND.

    I'm looking forward to our next game.
