Friday, March 11, 2011

Game 3 Recap

Boones wins another one!

100 % attendance. Most of us had one to one subs. What that means is none of us probably played as much as we wanted to. However, if we keep our rotations as fair as possible we can all play about half the game, stay fresh, and avoid wear and tear. This should help our team as the season progresses.

Goals by Dave, Jamie, and Chuck (I think)

Shutout #2 from Chris and the defense. I don't think we had even one shutout last season.

I think the field at Hobby somehow was worse that the week before???

It was fun to watch how much faster our offensive players were than the other team's defensive players. Imagine Usain Bolt racing Stanley from "The Office" - that is what it looked like.

Who is bringing the queso to the next game?

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