Sunday, March 27, 2011

Game 6 Recap

Boones kicks some ace! Boones 8 - Chernobyl 0. Goals (in order I think) - Chuck, D-Ray, Jamie, Joel, Dave, Joel, Tutt, and Dave. Assists by many. Nutz played halfback, fullback, and keeper. Show off. Chris got to play out in the field some. Brady and Peer were able to take it easy in the second half. Chuck played some fullback in the second half. Joel is a rebel. Stu Dawg was the only one not there. My personal thanks to Mucio for his great passes and to Nutz for letting me take a turn at halfback. Short recaps are all I have time for this week. You are all welcome to add your comments.

Game 5 Recap

A week late. SORRY!!! Boones 1 - Gunners 1 Not there - Brett, Joel, Tutt, and Todd Goal - Big Dave with an excellent assist from Chad. Gunners got their goal off a corner. We missed a ton of shots. We should have won. Gunners have nice uniforms. Arsenal's away jerseys.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Game 4 Recap

Boones 3 - Rangers 1

Another awesome turnout. Only Brady and Mucio were out.

The Rangers struck first. The Boones defense was unable to clear a cross from the Rangers. Peer said it was all Brian White's fault. The ball apparently hit his foot and rolled perfectly over to a Ranger who made a nice shot.

Boones did not give up. The game was many days so I might mess up the order of these events. A Rangers defender had a major handball in the box so we won a PK. Joel lined up the ball about 3 yards away from the goal line for the kick. After everyone got a laugh from his shenanigans he lined up the ball in the proper spot and took the kick. The Rangers keeper guesses correctly by diving to his right. He outstretched his arms and blocked Joel's shot. Tutt later found out that the Rangers keeper was none other than Jackie Moon, power forward for the Flint Tropics. No wait ... I think I got that detail wrong. Now I remember, the Rangers keeper played semi-pro soccer a few seasons ago.

Boones was able to tie things up the first half after Chris launched a ball past midfield. Dave took off after the ball and blew past their frenchy defender. Semi-pro rushed out to try to beat Dave to the ball. Dave got there about a 1/2 second before semi-pro and kicked the ball toward the goal. The ball would not have gone in the goal but Chuck was there to finish things off. 1-1. Frenchy started complaining non-stop.

We played some serious soccer in the second half. Maybe we were feeding off of the awesome home field crowd that we had. The Boones fans were screaming and yelling every time our offense made a push. Joel redeemed himself with an excellent goal to give us the 2-1 lead. Soon after that Big Dave, who must have been riding high on the Boones momentum, got a hold of one and BLASTED a LAZER BEAM shot. Semi-pro didn't even try to stop this shot. 3-1.

Our fullbacks and keeper have been playing outstanding defense all season. The halfbacks have been doing a great job helping on D as well (Tutt and D-Ray made some awesome defensive plays on Sunday). Especially kick ace has been the play of George, Preston, and Chad in the middle.

Four wins with zero ties or losses. E-L-E.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Game 4 quick thoughts

Never to take away from Julio's awesome recaps, but a couple of points I thought should make the blog for historical sake this week.

1. Good goaltending = 4-0.  Excellent job again Chris.
2. Davey's goal was top 3 in Boones history.  If that was recorded, I would put it on you tube no question about it.
3. We will go on a corner kick scoring spree sometime soon.
4. Excellent crowd today.  Always fun to to see the fans and the little guys playing their favorite halftime soccer.  Big shouts to Tyler, Bryce, and The Snake.
5. Putting the Boones in Boones United, we may had set a new record for hungover players.  I know you guys didn't feel like playing, but you sure gutted it out today.  We appreciate it.
6. Nutz, you may need to find a way to quit falling under the other teams cleats.  It starting to look like you were attacked by a bear.

Next week we are playing our old friend.

Looking forward to #10 Pele Julio's recap.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time change


Don't forget about the time change tonight. Spring forward.

See you tomorrow.

Coach Dawg

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, March 11, 2011

Game 3 Recap

Boones wins another one!

100 % attendance. Most of us had one to one subs. What that means is none of us probably played as much as we wanted to. However, if we keep our rotations as fair as possible we can all play about half the game, stay fresh, and avoid wear and tear. This should help our team as the season progresses.

Goals by Dave, Jamie, and Chuck (I think)

Shutout #2 from Chris and the defense. I don't think we had even one shutout last season.

I think the field at Hobby somehow was worse that the week before???

It was fun to watch how much faster our offensive players were than the other team's defensive players. Imagine Usain Bolt racing Stanley from "The Office" - that is what it looked like.

Who is bringing the queso to the next game?