Sunday, March 27, 2011

Game 6 Recap

Boones kicks some ace! Boones 8 - Chernobyl 0. Goals (in order I think) - Chuck, D-Ray, Jamie, Joel, Dave, Joel, Tutt, and Dave. Assists by many. Nutz played halfback, fullback, and keeper. Show off. Chris got to play out in the field some. Brady and Peer were able to take it easy in the second half. Chuck played some fullback in the second half. Joel is a rebel. Stu Dawg was the only one not there. My personal thanks to Mucio for his great passes and to Nutz for letting me take a turn at halfback. Short recaps are all I have time for this week. You are all welcome to add your comments.

1 comment:

  1. I got my ass kicked up and down the field... including a ghost defender who came out of nowhere and took my feet out from under me while I was running down a pass from Nutz while he was in the net.
    Dave's goal was a bullet and D-Ray's goal was awarded Best Use of a Left Foot in a Supporting Role

