Sunday, March 13, 2011

Game 4 quick thoughts

Never to take away from Julio's awesome recaps, but a couple of points I thought should make the blog for historical sake this week.

1. Good goaltending = 4-0.  Excellent job again Chris.
2. Davey's goal was top 3 in Boones history.  If that was recorded, I would put it on you tube no question about it.
3. We will go on a corner kick scoring spree sometime soon.
4. Excellent crowd today.  Always fun to to see the fans and the little guys playing their favorite halftime soccer.  Big shouts to Tyler, Bryce, and The Snake.
5. Putting the Boones in Boones United, we may had set a new record for hungover players.  I know you guys didn't feel like playing, but you sure gutted it out today.  We appreciate it.
6. Nutz, you may need to find a way to quit falling under the other teams cleats.  It starting to look like you were attacked by a bear.

Next week we are playing our old friend.

Looking forward to #10 Pele Julio's recap.

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