Monday, March 30, 2009

Game 7 Recap

Well - somehow we tied just about the worst team in our league with their best player hurt and out for over half of the game. Brady - I saw your comments and no it was not all your fault. Mostly your fault - but not all.
We could blame lots of things for why we did not win. Missing about 20 shots was one. Pele Julio stepping on his own foot and falling down like a pickle pants and giving them break away was one. Shorty McReferee making some pretty bogus calls was one. Stu Brown being five minutes late was one. Tutt and Brett not showing up was one (I don't care how sick you or your wife are, this is rec soccer for Pete's sake! There are t-shirts at stake.) And Brady was a big one (I said was not has).
On a positive note- I thought Georgie had a heck of game. He made some of the best passes I have seen all season. Brownie (or is it Browning) played great again at keep.
Here is the deal - we pretty much gotta start kickin ace or we are done for. I hate you guys.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Game Seven Starting Lineup

Forward - Jamie/Dave sub Brady
Halfback - Brian W/sub Clay; Todd/Georgie/sub Stu Brown; Joel/sub Mucio
Fullback – Chad/Tutt/sub Preston; Stu/Mickey/sub Julio
Keep - Brownie

Monday, March 23, 2009

Game Six Review

Not sure where to start, so I'll go with the good and bad.

1. Brownie played awesome. He kept this from turning into a 8 - 0 game.
2. Fields were short.
3. We didn't have to put up the nets.
4. Zero soccer balls were lost.
5. Nobody got hurt.
6. Mickey brought beer to the game.
7. We will not play another team that good.

1. WTF!
2. There best two guys were named David Copperfield and David Blaine.
3. I'm still embarrassed by the second goal.
4. I'm sore as a mother right now.
5. Felt like a three legged dog trying to bury a turd on a frozen lake - borrowed that from Larry the Cable guy.
6. We missed our 34th wide open goal.
7. Would have been nice to see a card on the guy stopping Brownie's godzilla punts with his arm after #10 Pele Julio got a red for self defense.
8. Asian blue.

Please feel free to add to the list. I'm sure there are few things still out there.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Game Six

The following guys will not be playing: Stu Brown, Franchise, Brett

1. I can't stress this enough...please allow extra time to get to the game. It is very tucked in and a little difficult to get to.
2. Bring your yellow jerseys. We are the home team and must change if our blue colors are conflicting. Brownie...I have your yellow jersey.
3. Brownie - we need a progress report on your massive hamstring.

See you Sunday.

Stu Dawg

Saturday, March 14, 2009

out next week

Gentlemen and Brady,

Rain, Rain, go away...bummer, game is cancelled tomorrow.

I am out for next Sunday as I will be swinging with monkeys in Costa Rica. (Insert swinging jokes here). I'm looking forward to hearing how we beat the crap out of the former 1st place team.

Someone please pass this along to Orone and Jake....oh wait....

Fu Man Stu

Friday, March 13, 2009

Game Five Cancelled


Game five is cancelled. Get your party on this weekend and be careful.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Game Four Recap

Played a good game this week. A few quick observations:
  1. My feet feel like a jackhammer was applied directly to my heels.

  2. Todd's header and Pup's sweet hustle play taking the ball on the end line and cross was keepin' it real. It made us look like a professional team without the pay.

  3. Coach #10 Pele Julio helped with the subbing while serving his red card suspension.

  4. #19 looked like Ron Mexico.

  5. #33 and #34 must have had 35 headers between the 2.

  6. Clay played a good game at keeper.

  7. Dave had a sweet, bending goal to tie the game at 1 once he decided to quit shooting from our 18.

  8. It was good to see all the families at the game. We need to get Daddy Franchise back out here.

  9. In spurts, we passed the ball pretty well. Definitely had moments of rustiness, but we recovered well today.

We may need the rainout this week after St. Patrick's Day festivities. Please be careful this weekend.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Game Four Starting Lineup

Short on FB this week with Julio and Brownie out.

Forward - Pup/Brady --sub Dave
Mid inside - Todd/Joel--sub Stu Brown
Mid outside - Georgie/Brian White--sub Mucio
Fullback inside - Chad/Tutt --sub Preston
Fullback outside – Mickey/Stu Dawg --sub Brett
Keep - Clay

Friday, March 6, 2009

Daylight Savings Time


Please make sure to change your clocks on Saturday night before you go out and run your wind sprints. Otherwise, you will be an hour late to the game.

So far, Brownie and #10 Pele Julio are out for Sunday.

It also appears that the chances for rain have diminished. See you around 2:30.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Game Four

A couple quick notes about game four:

1. You must bring your yellow jerseys. The other team is blue and we must change if there is a color conflict. No yellow jerseys, no play. Brownie and Tutt, I have your jerseys.

2. We are expecting rain. I will update this blog if we are not playing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Things that suck

  1. vacuums

  2. cauliflower - pure s

  3. black holes - I mean seriously, in the scale of suck-a-tude, it's got to be near the top

  4. kids not keeping score at their games - wussification of America

  5. Chan Ho Park - I knew when I saw him working out at the gym instead of the ballpark a mile away, they (The Rangers) didn't like his billyhoe a$$ either

  6. #10 Pelo Julio's red card

  7. my entire game tonight - swing and a miss

Our Tiger Woods A-game was missing tonight. Good to get the bad game out of the way. We will regroup and make our run for playoffs.

As always, we will blame Franchise.