Sunday, March 1, 2009

Things that suck

  1. vacuums

  2. cauliflower - pure s

  3. black holes - I mean seriously, in the scale of suck-a-tude, it's got to be near the top

  4. kids not keeping score at their games - wussification of America

  5. Chan Ho Park - I knew when I saw him working out at the gym instead of the ballpark a mile away, they (The Rangers) didn't like his billyhoe a$$ either

  6. #10 Pelo Julio's red card

  7. my entire game tonight - swing and a miss

Our Tiger Woods A-game was missing tonight. Good to get the bad game out of the way. We will regroup and make our run for playoffs.

As always, we will blame Franchise.

1 comment:

  1. Let me add to the suck list please:

    1. The way my body feels right now. Sore ankle, sore foot, two bloody knees, one gashed and swollen quad, and possibly a bruised sternum (it hurts like hell). And I only played in the first half!
    2. The NTPSA fields compared to Ross Stewart and Pizza Hut Park.
    3. The Economy and the Stimulus Plan.
    4. 20 year olds
    5. The Cowboys trading Anthony Henry for Jon Kitna?
    6. Trapping a ball with your arms to save a goal while playing the fullback position. Apparently this is not allowed? F Red Cards!
