Monday, March 23, 2009

Game Six Review

Not sure where to start, so I'll go with the good and bad.

1. Brownie played awesome. He kept this from turning into a 8 - 0 game.
2. Fields were short.
3. We didn't have to put up the nets.
4. Zero soccer balls were lost.
5. Nobody got hurt.
6. Mickey brought beer to the game.
7. We will not play another team that good.

1. WTF!
2. There best two guys were named David Copperfield and David Blaine.
3. I'm still embarrassed by the second goal.
4. I'm sore as a mother right now.
5. Felt like a three legged dog trying to bury a turd on a frozen lake - borrowed that from Larry the Cable guy.
6. We missed our 34th wide open goal.
7. Would have been nice to see a card on the guy stopping Brownie's godzilla punts with his arm after #10 Pele Julio got a red for self defense.
8. Asian blue.

Please feel free to add to the list. I'm sure there are few things still out there.


  1. Good.

    1. Everyone found the field despite dead mans curve.

    2. At least Brett didn't get carded or even a foul whistle for rugby tackling someone in the goalbox. Awesome by the way.

    3. Brady and Tutt were maniacs all over the field. And I have several pictures to prove it.

    4. No red cards


    1. Their goalie had springs for legs and stopped my super awesome shot somehow.

    2. That was my one and only shot.

    3. Brett's son could have stopped all the headers I directed towards goal.

    4. Clay forgot to bring his shoes.

    5. I forgot to bring my skills.

    6. I always sulk for a few days after a loss.

  2. Sorry for the delay in recaps - I was busy today (give me an f'n break Brian White!).
    After looking at those pictures, I have to say I hate neon green and chasing those sum beaches wearing neon green. Here is the crazy part, I felt like I ran my ace off yesterday but hardly ever touched the ball. That is terrible. Here is a quick recap:
    First half - I thought we played pretty well. TN Dallas was running down hill and had the wind at their backs. Boones struggled with the wind getting the ball out of side of the field. Our goal kicks and keeper throws would go up in the air, turn a few times, and end up back by the fullbacks. It was crazy. Yes they had a lot of shots on us, but most of them were off target. We had a few chances in that first half on offense. Two or three corner kicks and few other good looks - but we could not find the back of the net. I think if we had gotten a goal in that first half it would have been a different story. 0-2 at half.
    Second half - I had some optimism at half time that since we had the wind and we were going down hill we could gain some ground on those punks. Didn't really happen. They got a pretty quick goal on us and I think that pretty much pissed off our team. Things got a little chippy after that on the field. I did like that ref though - he was good to us most of the game and kept things under control. I love the no-call when Brett tackled one of their dudes with fists full of neon jersey. He would also tell them to GET UP when they would take dives. Our run and gun didn't really work to well yesterday. We just could not find the right formula. In summary, we lost real hard.
    Great game Tutt and Brownie - however it is your fault we are not an over 30 division so we hate you. Terrible game to Pele Julio, Stu Dawg, and Brett - outside fullbacks all got destroyed at one time or another yesterday by those neon pickle pants. (I stole "pickle pants" from my 5 year old son - that is his new insult). Fair game to everyone else. It is all Stu Brown's fault anyway.
    Gear up for next week. Time to win again.

  3. Not that it matters for standings or points but the final count was 4-0. Which is also reflected on the NTPSA website.

  4. Fixed the score for you Brownie.

  5. Thanks Dawg!! You know technicalities... The hammy is feeling better but I am game for playing keep again the 1st half.

  6. we'll put you in goal and see how it feels.
