Monday, September 20, 2010

Game 4 Recap

Interesting game for sure!

Out: Dawg, Chad, D-Ray, and Brady

As interim coach, I thought that we should really get creative with the lineup. So we put the all time Boones United leading goal scorer at keeper. Peer, Brett, and Bent played outside fullback - Tutt, Preston, and George played center fullback - Joel, Nutz, and Mucio played outside mid - Stu B, Todd, and Mickey played center mid - Clay, Pup, and Pele Julio played striker. Crazy right?

Anyway things seemed to working fine. This was not the fastest team in the world, so we had some nice runs up front and some good chances. Later in the first half, Peer made a run down the left side. He was a dibbling machine and found his way damn near to the opponents end-line. He then made a nice cross across the goal and waiting at the far post was Joel. Joel pulls out the "side bike" from his bag of soccer tricks and hits the ball perfectly. Keeper had NO chance. Boones 1 - Cruz Azul 0.
Just minutes later Cruz Azul has possession and the Boones defense just can not seem to clear the ball out of our area. A Cruz Azul futbol player sends a high lofting shot from the right of the goal that soars just above Big Dave outstretched arm for the tying goal.

In the second half we went back to more of a classic Boones lineup. Bent played keeper, Pele Julio played defense, and Big Dave moved to striker. Dave knew he score against these guys. It didn't take long for our offense to put on some major pressure. Pup ran past their defense again and was determined to score. The keeper blocked his shot but we won a corner. Joel sent a perfect corner across and Tutt was there head the ball in for the goal. Boones 2 - Cruz Azul 1. Just a few minutes later, we won another corner and Tutt almost scored again. I think the Cruz Azul defenders freaked out when Big Dave went in the game. I didn't see exactly what happened, but I know Dave was chasing down one of their defenders and he made a TERRIBLE back pass that ended up in their goal. Gracias Senior. Boones 3 - Cruz Azul 1.

Well like I said it was an interesting game. Cruz Azul came right back and scored two quick goals. One off of an unlucky Boones deflection that rolled right in the middle to one of their guys. Boones 3 - Cruz Azul 3.

Well good thing Big Dave decided to play striker. He was able to dribble around some guys and take a nice shot that found the back the net. Boones 4 - Cruz Azul 3.

Notes: Pup got a yellow card in first half then another yellow card in the second half. Two yellows equal red. Refs took his card so Pup will have to go to NTPSA to get it and miss a game. We played the end of the game with 10 and didn't allow them to score again.
We wore our yellow jerseys and did not need to. Cruz Azul had on white yesterday.
Mickey brought some Snow Berry Creek to celebrate our first win. It was sweet.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Game 2 Recap

Off to a real bad start!
Out: Brady, Pup, Peer, Chad, and Todd
The game was delayed because the fields were locked and the refs were too old and fat to climb the fence. About 20 minutes or so after our scheduled kick-off, someone finally unlocked the fields.
It was another scorcher. The Royals had a few more subs than us and it helped them. They seemed to out hustle us most of the game. We just need to score more goals and give up fewer goals. It is pretty simple really.
Notes from the game:
The score was 2-2. Oh wait ... we did score two goals but both were called back for apparent "offsides".
The Royals probably had triple the amount of shots on goal than Boones did.
You guys that missed the game, missed two flip throw-ins. Some dude on the Royals does flip throw ins. Awesome.
They also had a player that was high on life (or maybe dope)! He was a nut. Running around making crazy noises and stuff. He also almost took out two or three of our players. Weird, wild, wacky stuff.
Bent got to play a little forward at the beginning of the game.
Stu Browns's kids saved us all from some wild goats that stormed the fields at half time by herding them over a fence.
Other stuff happened.
Chad drafted another championship fantasy football squad. Way to go Chad!
We are in last place. Way to go Chad!
- #10

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Game Two

Who will not be at the game?


Make sure you bring your YELLOW jerseys this week. We will be the home team and are playing another blue team. If you do not have a yellow jersey, please let me know now so we can make provisions to get you jersey by game time.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Game 1 - Fall 2010

Originally created by #10 Pele Julio ---

Fried Boones,

A quick recap of yesterday’s game.

OUT: Brady, Chad, Tutt, and Preston

First of all, our new uniforms are awesome. We looked really good. We didn’t really play that well, but we looked good.

I think it was 105 degrees at kick-off (heat index of 110 or so). The heat was draining for both teams. Boones started off o.k. in the first half – Dawg made some great saves and our forwards and half backs were making their fullbacks look silly at times. We scored first when Pup dribbled the ball past 8 of their player and 5 of our players and then drilled his shot in the back of the net. We had quite a few more opportunities in the first half but could not get our shots on target.

Boones 1 – Real Suburbia at halftime.

The second half was a lot of the same stuff that happened in the first half. Quite a few opportunities, but we could not get our shots on target. Clay was really close late in the second half, but his shot hit the cross bar. Unfortunately the defense had a few screw-ups and Real Suburbia put together a few nice shots. The first goal was my fault. They sent a through ball to pony-tail guy and I was a little slow to react. Plus I had suffered a Grade 1 thigh strain (according to the internet) earlier in the second half so my make-up speed was not quite there. Plus I am not very good at soccer. Anyway, pony-tail guy made a nice left footed shot to the far post just out of the reach of Dawg. Boones 1 – Real Suburbia 1. There were quite a few more close calls – like the ball hitting my chest as I was guarding the post on a corner kick – in the second half as Real Suburbia was putting on the pressure. Their best player number 11 scored their second goal with a very nice header off of a corner. Someone Guard That Guy!!!!

After a late push by our offense (Big Dave was dominating people) we just couldn’t get the shot we needed on goal. Game over. Real Suburbia 2 – Boones 1.

This is all Chad’s fault! I hope you drafted the best fantasy football team of all time.

- #10

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Last Practice and Schedules

7 guys showed for practice this morning. D-Ray, Peer, Georgie, Davie, Franchise, Mucio and Stu Dawg. We dominated the heat this morning for about an hour and a half.

Schedules are posted to the right. Here is a quick breakdown.

Division 30F - We were 30E last season which I requested this year as well.

1PM - 2
3PM - 5
5PM - 2
7PM - 1

5 Star - 1
Grapevine - 5
Hobby - 1
Premier Park - 1
Breckinridge - 1
Moss - 1

We have 3 potential jersey conflicts. If you do not have a yellow jersey, please let me know now. We may need to purchase a couple of these and will need them for our second game for sure.

Julio will provide our opponent analysis soon.

See you next week.

Stu Dawg

Monday, August 9, 2010

Last Practice


Our last practice will be this weekend.

Time: 0730 - get out of bed and practice
Place: Plano West High School

Please be on time. I will pickup our schedules after practice.

Stu Dawg

Friday, August 6, 2010

Saturday Practice Cancelled


Practice is cancelled tomorrow morning. Not enough guys to make this worth while. I sent a text message that you hopefully received around 2200.

Our schedule will be picked up next Saturday.

Season starts on 8/22.

Get running,

Stu Dawg

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sunday Practice

We are practicing again on Sunday 8/1 at 12:30. I will not be there, but Davey has the net and balls.

Plano West High School in the back behind left field.

Stu Dawg

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Practice - Hot

Thanks to the 12 brave souls who attended practice today. I do appreciate the time and effort you put into it. For those that didn't attend, here is a quick run-down.

1. Pup warmed us up and almost ended practice.
2. We shot at the goal and were about a 60/40 miss/hit.
3. We passed the ball with a bit of running. No puking.
4. Scrimmaged 6 on 7 with Stu's son Connor.
5. Shot on goal more.

Player of the match was Connor.

We are officially registered. Thanks to all that paid. There are still a few of you that owe me money. Please send this in now.

First game is on 8/22.

We will practice next weekend in Denton. Pup will get back to us on a Saturday or Sunday availability.

Talk to you guys soon,


Friday, July 16, 2010

Lone Star Pics

A few pics courtesy of Mucio.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lone Star Park Details


Lone Star Park is on Saturday. Here are all the details.

1. Suite is a no-go. The suite owner only provided 17 seats out of 25. She claimed that they did not know what happened to the other 8 tickets. Regardless, I'm not buying tickets for a suite when we will have to share with other people.
2. First race starts at 1:35 sharp.
3. I will be there around 12:45.
4. We are meeting in the Courtyard Pavilion. This is a covered area outside with a band, etc... on the West side of the map. If it is too loud, we have options of going to the second floor or just moving over to the grandstand area as long as it is not raining. Map below provided by Lone Star Park. Click on image to enlarge.

5. Since there is a 50% chance of rain, we may need to move upstairs.
6. Parking should be free. $5 for Valet.

Our first practice will be next Saturday in Denton. More details to come.

Only one person has paid me for the season, thank you Clay! Please bring your check or cash to Lone Star Park if you can.

See you on Saturday.

Coach Stu

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fall 2010 Season

Quick update guys...

1. If you have not responded about Lone Star Park, please do so today or tomorrow. WIVES and GIRLFRIENDS are welcome.
2. Fall season starts on 8/22.
3. We have added a new player. David Ray is a Kappa Sig from UNT. Many of us went to school with D-Ray and are excited to add his talents to our team. Please welcome him in only the way that Boones United FC can.
4. We will have a few position changes this season. You can pick my brain or share your thougts at Lone Star.
5. Registration is 7/24 and 7/25. That means that I need your money. League fee is $70 each plus ref fees. $100 even should cover it. Any leftover will be applied to tasty Boones. I'm going to ask to put us in the same division.
2007 Surrey Oaks Dr.
Arlington, TX 76006
6. We will try to start practicing around 7/18 if possible. Practice will be in Denton at a sports athletic facility that Pup works at. It's a far drive, but we are guaranteed fields and shelter for all the sissies.
7. If you haven't started running, please do so a couple times a week to help with the hammies and general fitness. We were incredibly out of shape last season.

D-Ray - I need the following information emailed to me in order to get you properly registered.
Name, DOB, Address, Home and Mobile Phone, preferred email address

See you in a little over a week.

Coach Stu Dawg

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Random Soccer Thoughts


He doesn't get the pub of Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey, Jozy Altidore, or Tim Howard - but I think Michael Bradley has been so solid and a key player for Team USA in this World Cup. Someone call him to see if he wants to play for Boones in the fall.

Can you imagine how much Tim Howard would yell at me if he were the Boones United keeper. He is not shy about ripping his defenders a new one when they screw up.

I wonder if Kim Jong Il got upset when Portugal destroyed Korea 7-0.

My guess to win the World Cup before it started was The Netherlands. They have a decent shot but I need then to step it up as the tournament progresses if they are to stand a chance against the likes of Argentina, Germany, Portugal, or Brazil.

My new favorite team (other than the USA and my winner pick The Netherlands) is Uruguay. I like the way the two guys named Diego play on that team - striker Forlan (#10) and fullback Lugano (#2) play. Nice uniforms too - kinda like Boones but better with the black shorts. See image with funny looking ref.
I like the flair and skill of the Brazilian players, but I saw something absolutely ridiculous from Robinho in a recent World Cup game. He was dancing around the ball with his fake-out moves but the ball never moved - it was way over the top unnecessary. I think the defender just finally kicked him in the shin and the ball rolled out of bounds. I cheered.
I hope many of you were able to watch that USA vs Algeria game today. The USA had so many chances, near misses, and bad calls. There was so much drama and then there was the incredible finish. What a game! Kinda like when we beat Inferno Red in Plano to qualify for our one and only championship game many seasons ago.
I am ready to party and win bigtime at Lonestar Park. See y'all there.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Last Game


We play the Rangers this week. They have forfeited two games this season. Being the last game of the year and that they are in last place, I'm curious to see if they will show. I will contact our commissioner for more information.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Son of a Gun!

We lost to Northside Arsenal again. This time 2-0.

We started the game with some defensive players running a little late. There were some traffic issues in the metroplex that caused consfusion and delay. The starting fullbacks were Pele Julio, Mickey, Georgie, and Todd. Preston, Brett, and Tutt eventually found their way to the field.
Boones started the game poorly. We gave up a goal during this early game confusion when Northside Arsenal had the ball on offensive. The Boones defense could not clear the ball out and the ball ended up rolling perfectly in the middle for a charging Northside Arsenal halfback. His shot was low and in the corner - just out of Bent's reach. We were down 1-0.
In what is becoming a horrible trend in this Spring 2010 season, the next goal we gave up was a blocked shot that was not secured or cleared and Northside Arsenal put back the deflection.
We were down 2-0.
We could not get much going on offensive. Some pressure - but most of our shots were off target. We played better defense in second half and Bent had some really good saves. We ran our plan in the second half by trying to work the wings, but for whatever reason we could never really generate any solid chances.
Quick Hits: This is all Chad's sick ace fault. I think that turf was 50% grass and 50% wax - I was sliding all over the place. Northside Arsenal had 10 subs and some of their slow guys didn't even get to play. I said in a previous blog that I would like to play Northside Arsenal again with Tutt, Dave, and Brady. What the hell happened? Don't forget about our mid-week game this week - we play Baron United Thursday night at 8:45 pm Premier Park. By the way, Darkhorse beat Baron yesterday. Todd got a yellow card for pulling down Northside Arsenal soccer guy's shorts. I think Brady might have received a yellow card too. It looked like the ref either warned or gave Brady and that Northside Arsenal defender a yellow card for constantly bumping into each other. Mucio is having a party soon. I think that ref had a Scottish accent. Joel - how did the Mav's do?
We suck.

Monday, April 12, 2010

From 2-0 to 2-2

That was a tough one pal.

Boones went from 2-0 to 2-2 last night. Here is a super fast recap:

Missing in action and those that are to blame for the loss - Brady, Dave, and Tutt.

Stu Dawg returned to action and played keeper. Hell of game! He probably made over a dozen saves.
Pup was playing as the only true forward with Joel and Clay and the other halfbacks making runs when possible. We had some good runs but unfortunately only had a handful of shots on goal.

Their only goal was when Stu Dawg made a block save and one of their players was able to finish the loose ball. Unlucky!

Good effort overall. Would like to play that game again with Dave, Brady, and Tutt!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Big Loss

I'll wait for the always great update from #10 Pele Julio, but I wanted to offer a few words of encouragement after the 5 - 0 whooping.

Everybody has bad weeks. This was ours. I'm glad we got this out of our system now before we make our playoff run. Don't fret on this loss too long, we are still 2-1 and I think we have a good shot to play very well the rest of the season.

Enjoy Easter weekend next week and go get some Jesus.

Talk to you soon,

Stu Dawg

Monday, March 15, 2010


Boones Players and Fans,

We are 2-0. Not too shabby. Another 3-2 victory. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Pup with a hat trick. He was on fire. You can thank him for this win.
2. Pup's first goal was a one man show. Pup stole the bouncy ball from their keeper as he was trying to grab it. Then pup used his left to finish it off. Boones 1 - Real Suburbia 0.
2.5. An unfortunate incident happened in the first half with one of Real Suburbia's players. During a throw in, this player about ripped his torso in half. Seriously though, he did something pretty bad. He instantly fell to the ground and did not get up for about 10 minutes until one of their players drove on the field. He was loaded in the car (with a little help from Big Dave) and taken to a hospital. Hopefully he will be o.k. Half time score Boones 1 - Real Suburbia 0.
3. Pup's next goal was awesome too. Either Dave or Mickey gave him a sweet assist. 2-0 Boones.
4. Defense screwed up a little bit to let Real Suburbia back in it. Defense was trying to play keep-away from Real Suburbia when Chad passed it outside to Brett and then Brett attempted to pass it back inside to Chad. That pass got a little out of control and landed right at the feet of their best player #11. #11 lined it up and lazered it in. Boones 2 - Real Suburbia 1.
5. That goal really gave Real Suburbia some momentum. They were putting a lot more pressure on us as the second half wore on. #11 was especially giving us some problems. Bent made some good saves and the defense made some good stops.
6. Pup got his final awesome goal. Either Dave or Mickey gave him a sweet assist. Boones 3 - Real Suburbia 1.
7. Real Suburbia continued their pressure and kept winning corner kicks. After continuing to stop them, they finally got lucky when #11 put an average header right to Bent that somehow slipped out of Bent's arms and into the goal. Boones 3 - Real Suburbia 2.
8. We got the win but we need to secure these two goal leads we are getting.
9. Dawg and Todd were missing.
10. Peer did great in his first game except for bringing the wrong jersey. We made it work though.
11. I've got to go now, I am going to drive 9 hours down to Padre and party may ace off for the rest of Spring Break. Beer Bong Me!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Game Three (Two)

Men of Boones,

It looks like there may be a bit of rain moving in tomorrow, but hopefully it will hold off for you. #10 Pele Julio has the cards and money for the next 4 games. I will not play the next two weeks and the two weeks after that I will be out of town for work. Hopefully that will give my hip enough time to heal properly. I'm not too optimistic after an initial meeting with an orthopedist, but you never know what will happen. MRI scheduled for 3/11, then I don't meet with him to get the readings until 4/2. His advice to me after readying an x-ray about the shape of my hips was, "you should not be playing soccer". Interesting.

Anyway, I'll try to make the game next week and coach if possible. Hope you guys are feeling well and make sure you dominate in fantasy points.

Brett White will miss again this week. He is traveling to Korea today.

Take care of business this week,

Coach Stu Dawg

P.S. I think you guys are number 1! Jacket and headband provided by Nutz courtesy of Ross.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Game Two First Half Summary

Heard you pulled out a great victory today against the rivals. Win or lose, it's always fun to play Darkhorse.

Sorry I left so pissed today. I needed to get home and flatten my leg out to put ice on it. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for all those who called to check on me. I appreciate that.

A couple points from the first half.
1. I won the coin toss and elected to go against the wind. Turns out this was a good move.
2. Forwards were dominant in the first half. Brady's hard work getting to the goal paid off by a pretty poor call by the official, but we are due a few of these. Brady has been doing that for years. Consistency pays off.
3. Midfielders played very well and made a few big runs.
4. Defense was steady, but had too many O S(*^ moments in the goal. We will fix that and be just fine.
5. We had 2 hi-ya kicks by #10 Pele Julio. It was great. One the first one, I heard at least three guys yell that out.
6. No one can match our fitness level. :)
Check out the fantasy points. The link is on the right side of the page below our schedule. Remember the lowest point total for each team is automatically thrown out.

Thanks again for picking up the cards, flags and game ball.

Hopefully I will be back soon.


Friday, February 26, 2010

S2010 Game Two


Looks like the weather may hold and turn out to be a nice day. I certainly hope so anyway. A couple notes today.

1. If you owe me money, bring cash on Sunday.
2. Game is at McInnish on the good fields in the north side of the park.
3. We play our old friends Darkhorse. Always fun playing those guys.
4. If you will not be at the game, please send me an email, text, pigeon gram, smoke signal...something.
5. Peer, we expect two very cold bottles of Boones for halftime refreshment.

Looking forward to getting the season started.

Stu Dawg

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Spring 2010 Schedule Analysis

Here is my best attempt to analyze our schedule.

1. In unprecedented fashion, we have 5 games at 1900. 2 games at 1500. 2 games at 1300 and 1 game at 1700.
2. Also unprecendented, we have 5 games at McInnish Park. That is the park you drive through to get to RE Goode. I can guarantee your first response was "O Sh*t!" Not the crappy fields by the lake with no grass. We'll compadres, we are in luck. These are the super nice fields at the front of the complex next to Sandy Lake road. Hopefully they are in good shape.
3. Technically speaking, we have 8 home games with our two home fields being Five Star and RE Goode/McInnish. Perfect location for all I believe.
4. 2 games at Moss. I can almost guarantee those will be rainouts. Gotta love the city of Dallas.
5. We may only have one jersey conflict on 3/21.
6. Midas stole our orange jerseys.
7. We play our pals Darkhorse twice. First game is second game of season.
8. According to #10 Pele Julio's analysis, the best team should be Baron United. We play then twice, the first time on our first game.
9. According to #10 Pele Julio's analysis, the worst teams last season were Manchester SC and Rangers FC 03. We play each team once. Anything can happen here as we well know.
10. No games at Premier Park. Nutz appreciates that I'm sure.

Looking forward to next weekend. Hopefully the wind will dry the fields our a bit and get us ready for a great game.

If you haven't paid, I expect cash next week.

Stu Dawg

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy hour at Champp's

Thanks for the pic Mucio. All the guys minus Brian "Nutz" White who made it to HH.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Officially Registered


We are officially registered. I requested division 30E and home field for RE Goode and The Colony. Chances are most of our home games will be at The Colony.

Team Boone's also added another play to our permanent roster. Mark Peer went to college at UNT and is a Kappa Sig like many of us on the team. He played for a few years with Pup, Tutt and Brownie on the Silver Bullets. Mark has been on our list of perspective players for a couple years now. He will be a great addition to our defense. Please welcome Peer to our team as only Boones can.

Mark - your initiation fee will be two very cold and iced down bottles of Boones Farm, one of which should be Snow Creek Berry. The other is your choice my Brother.

As I mentioned before, we are targeting our one and only practice for 2/13 at 8:30AM. Please check the blog for futher updates.

Stu Dawg

Friday, January 22, 2010

Boones Happy Hour and Beyond

Thanks to all the guys who came out last night:

Pup, Dawg, Chad, Davey, Franchise, Brett, Brian “Nutz” White, Clay, Mickey, Georgie, Mucio, and Bent.

I especially appreciate everyone bringing their money. We have just enough to cover registration on Sunday.

A few thoughts/topics we discussed.

1. Home field. We decided the top two fields would be The Colony and RE Goode.
2. Stu Brown and Brownie are out this season. I will be picking up one guy to replace them.
3. End of season – we can either play in the tournament like last year or use the same tournament weekend to go camping/kayaking. Pup will send a link to the canoe site to get an idea of what a multi-day trip would be like.
4. Dave and I are buying the team new socks. Orange socks to be specific. Dave will send a link so you can see how pretty they are.
5. Mucio – send me the pictures so we can get them on the blog. Thanks for bringing the camera.
6. I vote that we nickname Brian White “Nutz”. Reasons are obvious.
7. To make this a bit more competitive, Bent, Chad, Davey and a couple other guys were throwing around a few ideas for “grading” each position. For instance, the forwards must score 25 goals this season. If they fail, they must buy a case of boones for example. We still need to work out how to grade each position and what the punishment should be for failing. Send your ideas to the team for consideration.
8. We need a fight song.

Practice will be scheduled, weather permitting, the day I pick up the schedules, February 13th. Make plans accordingly. This will be an early practice, think 8:30.

Season starts on 2/21/10. I will request our games start after 1:00.

For those that didn’t pay, please send me your checks soon.

Stu Dawg

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Countdown timer

Not sure if this will work for everyone, but I added a countdown timer to our first game. It's located in the footer.

Please send me your checks this week.

See you at happy hour.

Stu Dawg