Monday, November 14, 2011

Playoff Game One Winners!

Another excellent game yesterday gentlemen.  I was really pleased with the hustle and pressure applied to Inferno.  All in all, the best team won after a first time penalty shoot out.  That was very interesting, but I don't want to do that again. 

A few bullet points:
1. We won that game as a team.  It seemed to me that everyone played their best game of the year.
2.  Ice - truly great.  The wipeout at the end of the game was critical and a real momentum gain for our team.  Outstanding effort which carried over to the shootout.  They never stood a chance.
3. Defense was awesome.  Brett, Julio, Georgie, and Preston played lights out.  Very few shots on goal and we completely shut down #12.
4. Mid field was dominating as they constantly ran 3 and 4 forwards trying to attack. You guys played several thru balls to Dave, Chuck, and Clay.  Great hustle and pressure down their sides.  They just couldn't hang with your speed, agility, and quickness.
5. Forwards - always seemed to be in the right place and took good quality shots.  We have a few fly aways, but when you shoot the ball 20+ times, that will happen.  You guys keep pushing as we're due for a huge breakout in scoring.
6.  It was great to see Brady streaking, with clothes, down the field before the field ate his lunch.  I know that nobody enjoyed that moment more than Brady.  So glad to see you back on the pitch!
7. Julio damn near threw the throw in all the way to the net.  That is a great weapon to have.  Well done #10 Pele Julio!

A ton of fans were there to cheer us on yesterday, and for those who helped with Claire, thank you.  A special thanks to Ice Woman, Ice Girl, Byrce, Tyler, and Molly for spending some time with her.  When we got in the car she told me how much fun she had and asked why I didn't score a goal like Uncle Pup. 

We play at 3:00 on Sunday and I certainly hope that everyone can make it.

Stu Dawg

Monday, November 7, 2011

Game 10 Recap

Game 10: Boones 3 - Inferno Red 1

Out - Mucio, Chad, Brady, and Brett

Joel is on fire (see the neat picture of Joel above). Joel had two goals. He got things started when he received an excellent through pass and ran past the defenders. He drove the shot far post for our first goal. Later in the second half, Iceman punted the ball past midfield. Dave was there to win the ball, one touch the ball forward, run past the defenders, and then finish with an excellent shot. We had a nice lead at half.

Inferno scored quickly after the second half started. They beat a few of our defenders and got a crossing shot off that rolled out of Ice's hands and on to the foot of another Inferno player that kicked in the deflection.

But thanks to Tutt, others, and Joel we were able to get a third goal late in the second half to secure the win. Joel got the goal, Tutt was blamed for a high kick, and other stuff was going on too??? Basically we got the goal, won the game, and now we are off to the playoffs.


The ref was bad.

There was a lot of whining, complaining, and arguing going on in that game. Actually pretty typical this season.

All of the Inferno players and the ref really dislike Preston. On the contrary, I think Preston is kick ace!

Claire is the best fan ever! She offered me a pretty flower to put in my hair when I was taking a breather. She cheers for Stu Dawg like no other.

Eric must have dribbled around 4 or 5 Inferno players, then barely missed his shot. I think he has done this in every game he has played with us.

We had two standing bicycle kicks in the game (by Mickey or Nutz and Stu Dawg I think). Both were effective. Both were show-boating. Nice.

Chuck had a goal last week. In a previous blog post I said I thought it was Tutt that got that goal. Sorry Chuck, you are way better at soccer than Tutt and we still lost that game.

Joel is on fire.


Game Ten and Playoffs

Good win yesterday guys.  I was impressed with the effort and our ability to hold on to a win.  We have let a few of these get away from us this season.  Julio can recap the game for us.

It ends up that we are in 3rd place and will play the same team on Sunday at 5:00PM at Premier Park #2.  Don't be surprised if a few new faces show up for the other team.  They are a club team and generally carry large rosters for playoffs. 

We were knocked out of 2nd place by .07 of a point.  Please make sure you are on time.  The walk won't be so bad this time since it is the second field.

Be ready to hustle and give it everything you have.  We can win this thing.

See you on Sunday,

Stu Dawg

Friday, November 4, 2011

Games 7,8, and 9 recap

Game 7:
Frisco United 3 - Boones United 3
Boones had a 3-1 lead. Then we gave up goals on some free kicks late in the game and flushed the win down the toilet. We foul too much.

Game 8:
Rangers 2 - Boones United 2
We again had the lead in the game - then gave it up late off of a free kick. Joel got both goals (that is 5 goals against the Rangers this season). We foul way too much.

Game 9:
Welcome back Brady to Boones United! His first game back from injury ... and we lose. Not his fault though. I blame everyone that took a shot and missed (including me). They only had about 4 or 5 shots all game (a few missed, one hit the cross the bar, and two went in). We had about 10 shots per half and almost all of them were not on goal. Every shot we missed in the second half was costing us about 4 to 6 minutes of play time because their keeper took so long to retrieve the ball. I barely remember the play - but I think it was Tutt that scored our only goal.
Fury 2 - Boones 1

Yea I know - the recaps suck. But I am busy and stuff. So suck it.

Your pal,
#10 Pele Julio

Monday, September 26, 2011

Game 5 and 6 Recaps

Game 5:
Boones vs Rangers at Five Star
Rangers got 2 lucky goals - one was on a break-away and one was a PK. On the break-away there forward got past our defense with a through ball. Iceman rushed out of the goal. It was the right move because that guy usually panics. He lofted the ball over Chris and it bounced in. Pele Julio was called for a hand ball in the penalty area on the PK. Rangers forward somehow didn't panic again and made the shot.
It is a good thing that Boones has Franchise. He single handedly scored 3 goals for Boones. These were not lucky goals, they were made with precision and incredible skill. Oddly enough they were all from the left side of the field (I though Franchise played right halfback).
Notes: Boones played our first 4-5-1 and dominated the mid-field. Semi-pro is not on the Rangers anymore (at least for this game). Their new keeper wasn't bad, but I doubt he played semi-pro soccer. What is that anyway - semi-pro soccer?
Final Score - Joel "Franchise" Durbin 3 - Rangers 2.

Game 6:
Another scorcher. Boones vs Fury at Grapevine. Boones pulled out the Sunshine Yellow jerseys. Chuck got to wear our extra yellow jersey - #54 XL. He looked like the Man-ster out there.
Fury was one of the better teams we have played in terms of ball control. Boones was having issues with ball control in the first half. Our first touch was letting us down repeatedly. Pup and Joel had some decent looks in the first half, but neither team could score. It was 0 - 0 at halftime. It didn't take long for the score to change in the first half. Speedy had pushed forward and had gained possession of the ball. Speedy made a move and took a shot, the ball was deflected by a Fury defender and rolled over towards Big Dave. Dave quickly launched the shot and found the back of the net. Boones 1 - Fury 0.
Our second goal was similar. Big Dave found the ball headed his way after another deflection near Fury's goal. This time the ball was in the air. Big Dave volleyed a lazer right back at the goal. A Fury defender tried to block it with his head and was almost decapitated. The ball hit the top of his head, then the top of the net for our 2-0 lead.
The third goal was the best (sorry Dave). Big Dave's goals had pretty much taken most of the fight away from Fury. Boones was starting to dominate possession. Pele Julio received a pass on our defensive end and passed the ball up to Todd along the right sideline near midfield. The pass must of had a voodoo spin on it (or Todd made an incredible fake out move) and a Fury defender whiffed and fell. Todd turned and took the ball towards goal. There was no one from Fury in Todd's way but the keeper. Todd kept looking over his shoulder to see if someone was trying to chase him down - but there was no one. Todd was getting close. Surprisingly, Joel was wide open on the left side and yelling for the pass "send it!". But Todd knew that this was HIS goal. The keeper rushed out to challenge Todd. In what could only be described as soccer perfection - Todd took the shot. Just before the keeper could make the play and with just the right amount of arc, Todd's shot rolled in for a Boones 3-0 lead.
Notes - 4-5-1 in the first half, 4-4-2 in the second half. Zero goals in the first half. Three goals in the second half. We must have had 8 to 10 corner kicks in that game. Brett brought fans to the game, then left at halftime for the airport. Joel and Dave have a very nice battle going to see who will score the most goals this season. Pup and Chuck (or anyone else) - it is not too late! Iceman kept trying to score with his booming punts in the second half.

- #10

Friday, September 16, 2011

Game Five Pre thoughts

Check out this link if you haven't seen it.  I was at the team meeting about a year ago when they decided to vote on whether or not the league should buy one of these.

We will more than likely go to a 4-5-1 this week if we can get everyone to show up.  Please respond if you are not going to make it to the game.

For game 5, Claire will be in attendance with me.  If you have children that you know of, she could use a friend or two to help occupy her time while I'm trying to kick the ball into the back yard of the houses across the alley.

See you guys Sunday.

Stu Dawg

Monday, September 12, 2011

Game 3 and 4 Recap

This is a combined recap from games 3 and 4 - both against Franchise Grill.
Combined score = Boones 6 - F.G. zero.
Goals: Big Dave (2) both in game 3; Chuck (2) both in game 4; Joel (2) one in each game. I think everyone had an attempted shot towards their goal during these two games except the follow players - Brady, Mucio, and Preston. Those guys missed both games from either injury, sickness, or PowerPoint presentations.
Maybe two of our best passing games ever. Our central midfield is very strong these days with Eric, Tutt, Pup, and Todd. Iceman was hardly tested during these two contests thanks to strong efforts from defenders like Georgie and Speedy.
Congratulations to Nutz for somehow avoiding getting his nutz hit while playing at Premier Park.
Eric has a nickname already - Tatu. We will need to get him many, many extra jerseys.
Pup celebrated his birthday during game 3 by missing a wide open goal "Brady style".
We are now 2-2. Not bad.
- #10

Game 2 Recap

We lost 2-1.
It was very hot.
Excellent goal by Tutt off of a corner kick.
One of their goals was off of a free kick from a terrible hand-ball call (it hit my chest I swear). Their other goal was after Iceman made a save but Inferno Red finished the deflection before the Boones defense could clear it out.

Coach Stu Dawg got very pissed at the refs for giving us too many water breaks.
Sorry I missed that goal - nice pass Pup.
Not a good start to the season.

Did I mention it was really hot.

- #10

Monday, August 22, 2011

Game 1 Recap - Fall 2011

Boones 1 - Frisco 2

For those of you that didn't show - eff yoo! Watching the other team do wholesale subs every 5 minutes was akin to that scene in Three Amigos - when riding through the desert Steve Martin and Martin Short watch Chevy Chase pour water over himself then toss the canteen to the ground and apply lip balm. Good game otherwise... thank you franchise

Other notes:
Out - Brady and his scooter, Dawg, IceMan, Speedy, Mucio and his presentation, and Eric the new guy. We had three subs.
Putting the tent up before the game was a challenge.
Watching the tent blow into the field during the first half was hilarious and horrifically dangerous at the same time. I think that was the only bit of wind we had all day.
Brian White played keeper and wore Big Dave's neon yellow Personal Trainer shirt. It was ultra intimidating.
Frisco's first goal was within about 2 minutes from the opening kick off. I take back the comment about the Personal Trainer shirt - it had zero effect.
Boones came back fairly quickly. Big Dave tied it up with a nice shot from the right side to the far post.
Boones had a little energy in the first half and some good chances. Our energy level would change dramatically in the second half.
Halftime 1-1.
The second half was horrible. 3 subs (sometimes 2) was not nearly enough. The heat was unbearable and it had drained every one's energy.
Somehow Tutt and Pup were still able to run a little bit after performing a sprint triathlon that morning. I don't know how they did it!
We actually had some REALLY good chances in the second half. We just could not finish them.
Frisco got lucky when one of their midfielders launched a "shot" - it may have been a cross - from beyond the penalty area that soared above Brian White into the top corner.
We lost.
Have we ever won a game at Breckenridge? Seriously?
This is all Mucio's fault!
- #10

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Game One

We had a great practice this morning.  14 guys were present and withstood a little rain before it subsided. Two bigs things stood out at practice.
1. We have a new player...Eric.  He works with Clay and will be a good addition to the team.  Welcome to Boones United FC Eric.
2. Mickey made a new friend in Kona the peanut butter loving dog.

Chad graciously picked up our schedule.  The Fall 2011 season will be updated in the right nav very soon.

We have 20 guys on our roster and the following will miss game one.
- Chad
- Dawg
- Chris
- Brady
- Eric

That leaves 4 subs for a 1:00PM game.  I sure hope you guys get your rest.  Julio will have the equipment and ref money.

Julio will provide a schedule breakdown sometime soon, but here are a few highlights:
-  1 possible jersey conflict
-  6 games in Grapevine
-  1 Friday night game on 9/8 at 8:30
-  1 We play a team named after Durbin.  They are

Good luck next week.

Stu Dawg

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday Practice - 8/13

We are practicing this Saturday at Plano West Senior High School at 0800 sharp.  If you haven't been before, we practice on the north side of the school off Yearly road.  Please try to be on time.  I will pick up our schedule after practice.

If you have not paid, which 6 of you haven't, please bring cash to practice.

See you on Saturday.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Fall Happy Hour 2011

For all of those guys who didn't make the happy hour, we had a good time at a very crowded Mi Cocina.  Pup, Davey, Clay, Mucio, Mickey, Brady, D-Ray, Dawg, and Chad paid our proper respects to the margarita last night and have solved many important issues including a potential BUFC trip to Cabo next May and new socks much to Mickey's dismay.  If it were up to the great Mick, we would be wearing the tents Big Jake bought us.  Quick thought on Big Jake, he lost 90lbs.  No joke.  Still working on another 70 - 80.  Very happy for him.

We are trying to decide on what color socks to purchase.  The choice is Georgie Orange or redneck red.  Not sure what decision Davey will make as our equipment manager, but I'm good with either.

Mucio had several pictures taken at happy hour with the trophy.  Good times. would be surprised how many people stopped by to look at that glorious trophy.

I certainly hope that you are getting excited for the season.  We did lose 1 guy, Peer, as he is having some trouble with his knee and will sit this season out.  Brady will be back after his surgery is complete and he has a chance to recuperate.

With that being said, many of you still owe money.  I'm going to register tomorrow and will ask to be placed in 30F which is one league up from where we were last season.  It's completely possible that they bump us to 30E, but that would surprise me.

Practice will be at the same location, Plano West, on August 13th at 0800 before it gets too hot.  Our first game will be the following weekend.  I'll pick up schedules after our practice.

Please start running because it will be really hot and we all know how miserable it can be.

See you guys soon,

Stu Dawg

Friday, May 27, 2011

NTPSA 30G Finals Recap

Boones United vs Rangers

Out: Brady and Clay. Peer was injured and didn't play but was there for support.

Game time: Windy, Humid, Hot, and delayed from the previous game going into overtime and then penalty kicks.

First Half: Boones was playing well. Our offense was putting a lot of pressure on their defense and Jackie Moon (callback from previous blog entry). Our midfield and defense was doing a good job intercepting the ball before they could put too much pressure on us. Chris had to make a few saves and we gave up a few corner kicks, but overall a very solid defensive half. Boones had a horrible time getting shots on goal in our first playoff game, but this was not the case in the finals. Chuck got things started when he challenged Jackie Moon from the left side. Jackie blocked the initial shot and the ball rebounded back over to the right side. Big Dave was perfectly positioned and went in for the shot. He had to shoot quickly before Jackie and their fullbacks could cover up the goal. With incredible skill and accuracy, he nailed the shot in the back left corner of the goal. Boones 1 - Rangers 0.
Second Half: Boones kept up the pressure. Our offense was really giving their defenders a hard time. Big Dave got past their fullback and had a one on one with Jackie. Jackie charged Dave and slid on his side expecting to block a low quick shot by Dave. Dave was in the zone. Instead of a quick shot, he showed amazing patience and control and waited until Jackie was on the ground before shooting. Dave lofted the ball safely past Jackie to give Boones a 2-0 lead! Everything was going our way. With plenty of time left, the Rangers didn't give up. They were able to get a goal on a play where Chris came out to get a ball, but in some traffic was unable to secure it. One of the Rangers got the ball, created some space, and shot the ball into our open net. Boones 2 - Rangers 1. The Rangers had a few other chances. Chris made an awesome save on one play where a Ranger snuck past our defense on give and go. The Boones offense kept up the pressure. Mucio made a nice cross/pass that found Pup. He was a able to flick a header back to the middle. Big Dave charged in and fired off a lazer. Jackie Moon didn't have a chance. Hat Trick for Big Dave. What a game! Boones 3 - Rangers 1. Boones went into defensive mode to finish the game. Finally, Boones United FC wins the championship!
Boones for Life.

We got t-shirts, a kick-ace trophy, and the ability to tell anyone that will listen that WE ARE CHAMPIONS.

Playoffs Round 1

Boones vs Glencoe Rovers

Out: Todd, Brady, and Chris

With Chris out, Brian White filled in at keeper for us.
Notes from the game:
- Boones had many chances, but could not find the back of the net during regulation.
- Brian White had an excellent game and literally saved us on more than a few occasions.
- After 90 minutes, the game was tied 0-0. New rules allow for two 15 minute overtimes. No golden goal.
- No goals after the first 15 minutes.
- We had some injuries to deal with during the game and overtime. Tutt twisted an ankle. Peer's leg fell off again. Chuck had some crippling leg cramps.
- Finally, something went our way in the last fifteen minutes. On a free kick near mid-field, Chad took the kick and made a set shot that bounced over their keeper due to a screen thrown by Joel. As the ball was going to bounce in, Big Dave helped speed things up by kicking the crud out of ball into the back of the net.
- We held them off and won the game - 1-0 in overtime.
- Boones United was heading to the NTPSA finals for the second time in club history.
- Boones for Life.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Game 9 Recap

The above photo represents what D-Ray did to the Dallas Lions with one minute left in the game.

What a game.

Missing - Tutt, Brady, Chuck, and Peer.

The Dallas Lions started with 7 or 8 players and had the wind on another very breezy day. Even going against the wind one would still assume Boones would dominate and score a few early goals - WRONG. We instead goofed around and missed some shots. They eventually had 10 players. They won a corner kick midway in the first half. We were unable to clear out the ball and they scored. 10 minutes later we allowed one of their players to dribble down the middle. While Chris was yelling at our team "don't let that guy dribble down the middle!" he shot and scored with an assist from the wind. The Lions were up by two - they were beating us to the ball and they were doing a good job controlling the ball with good passing (with just 10 men). After we missed some more shots, it was finally halftime. It was so bad that the buzzards at Lake Grapevine were flying in circles above our bench.

The good news is that no one on Boones likes to lose. You could tell that we were fired up after an embarrassing first half. We played much more aggressively in the second half. They were going against the wind and I think we started to wear them out. Boones finally scored when Pele Julio was able to win a contested ball from a Lion at about mid-field. All of the sudden Clay swooped in took off with ball toward the goal. He dribbled in a shot the ball perfectly to the far post past their keeper. Our entire team was pumped up. Unfortunately the Lions scored another goal on us when they won a corner kick and took it very fast before we could set-up. They made a short quick pass from the corner, the guy that took the pass turned and centered the ball to their one guy in the middle. He basically took Chris out and ball bounced off his knee into our goal. Boones 1 - Lions 3.

We did not quit and kept putting a ton of pressure on them. We struck soon after when Big Dave was able to get a goal in by being aggressive and not allowing them to clear the ball out. I think he knocked it in while down on a knee. Boones 2 - Lions 3.

The last five minutes of the game were crazy. We kept the pressure on we were able to keep the ball on their end of the field. We essentially had 8 or 9 guys forward trying to score. I don't remember the details of our next goal other than the ball being in the air right in front of their goal and the only one near it was Pup. He jumped up and headed the ball in. We came back to tie 3-3! With only a few minutes left, we had the ball in another scoring position on the right side. I am pretty sure it went like this - Joel passes perfectly through the middle - Dave was in the middle but didn't get the shot - Pele Julio was next just to the left of Dave but the ball was out of his reach - the ball kept going left and somehow D-Ray shows up and was able to get his foot on the ball and bury it into the net. BOONES 4 - lions 3!!!! D-RAY! D-RAY!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I'll wait for Julio's play by play awesome recap, but there are a few points I would like to make tonight.
1. After a quite embarrassing start being up 3 guys and not scoring, we finally pulled our heads out of our butts in the second half.  We showed a little resolve, moxy, balls...whatever you want to call it.
2. That was not the same team we played in week one.  Not sure what happened to their guys, but they definitely improved.  Mucio commented that they didn't know each other's name on the field.  I did send an email to NTPSA concerning illegal players and lack of id checking.
3. A loss in that game would have knocked us to second place and possibly put that team in the playoffs.  Imagine who they would show up with in the playoffs  Jorge Campos?
4. I saw a ton of hustle in the second half.  That is how we win games period.  Clay, you started it and kept pouring it on like water boarding.  Many other guys did a great job and pulled together as a team to get the W.  It felt good to go home on a positive note and enjoy a really big comeback over the Easter weekend.
5.  Injuries are starting to mount, so we will more than likely not play in the tournament.  Here is our AARP list:
Peer - Hammy - DTD
Brady - Leg - Out
Stu Dawg - Hammy DTD
Chuck - Groin - DTD
Davey - Ankle/Heel - DTD
Georgie - Ribs - DTD

I certainly hope everyone gets to spend some time reflecting on what's important this weekend and heals up nicely.

See you guys soon,

Stu Dawg

Friday, April 15, 2011

Game 8 Recap

Boones United seems to be in a slow motion funk. We are not losing games, however we could sure be playing much better. Game 8 - Boones 1 - Weekenders 1 Notes Brady, Peer, D-Ray, and Mickey were out. Boones had plenty of shots. We were either off target or hit their keeper in the hands. Luckily we converted on a set piece again. Excellent corner by Joel with an aggressive finish by Tutt. They scored off of a deflection in a pile up on our defensive end. Mucio had a nice group of fans. "Go Daddy" is the cheer I heard. Mucio???? Some little girl on the Weekenders sideline tried to steal Dave's soccer ball. Dave got so mad that he almost left the game and went home (actually he was just looking for his ball in the parking lot). Someone on our team made a Weekenders dude pretty mad. Then Pup jumped in and was trash talking with that a-hole. After another award-winning zinger, Pup was commended by our laughing referee for his brilliance and humor. Unfortunately, this is right when the Weekenders scored and that a-hole got all excited. Things I notice from the sidelines and while playing fullback: (1) Chad is often WIDE OPEN in the middle - trailing the offense a few feet behind the penalty box. If our outside halfbacks can cut the ball back to middle I bet Chad could rip some open shots from there. (2) Chuck and Nutz were working very well together down the left side and I am surprised that they didn't produce a goal or two. (3) We need more forwards and halfbacks in the box in front of the goal when we win throw-ins at our opponent's end. There are no offsides on throw-ins and I can sometimes throw it there o.k. I would love to see more blue jerseys in there to aim for. This is all D-Ray's fault.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Game 7

We have played SEVEN games already??!!??

Another win and another windy day. There was some major wind out there. Not much of a game. We dominated the game, yet we were terrible at the same time.


We were against the wind in the first half. The wind was absolutely brutal. Someone on our team said that running against that wind was like running with a parachute on. Boones played a decent first half. We had some chances on offense despite going against that wind. After some near misses, the ball found Big Dave and he lined up and launched a left footed shot of perfection. Boones 1 - 0. Metro had a few chances in the first half with the wind at their back. Their best chances were off corners and long distance shots where the wind did crazy things to the ball. Chris would normally handle these with ease, but the ball was going all over the place and a few got away from him. Luckily the defense was able the clear them out and the crossbar saved us on one.

Things were looking up in the second half. We had the wind at our back and Metro was only able to cross mid-field a few times. Chris had zero action in the second half. Boones probably had 20 shots in the second half. The bad part of this is that their keeper only had to make a few saves because most of our shots were high. Metro probably had 15 goal kicks in the second half.

We did win some corner kicks. After about 3 to 5 failed corner kicks, Boones was finally able to seal the deal. Thanks to an excellent corner by Joel and a defender to head it in, Boones took a 2 - 0 lead.

There have been many superior athletes to wear the number 99 in sports like hockey, football, and baseball. But what about the greatest number 99 in soccer? My I submit to you Preston McKinney. Preston was the defender that clinched the victory for Boones against Metro by scoring that header off of Joel's corner. We needed that goal after missing SO MANY SHOTS in the second half. It was huge. Go Defense!


Everyone on Metro wanted to beat up or yell at Tutt. Apparently he was pushing all their people around.

Missing in action was Stu Dawg, Todd, Brady, and Mucio.

I think I heard that is was Clay's birthday. You are old.

One of Metro's players apparently played pro soccer in Germany. The reason I know this - he made a special trip by walking over to our team after the game to tell us this. I think Dave or Nutz hurt his feelings during the game.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Game 6 Recap

Boones kicks some ace! Boones 8 - Chernobyl 0. Goals (in order I think) - Chuck, D-Ray, Jamie, Joel, Dave, Joel, Tutt, and Dave. Assists by many. Nutz played halfback, fullback, and keeper. Show off. Chris got to play out in the field some. Brady and Peer were able to take it easy in the second half. Chuck played some fullback in the second half. Joel is a rebel. Stu Dawg was the only one not there. My personal thanks to Mucio for his great passes and to Nutz for letting me take a turn at halfback. Short recaps are all I have time for this week. You are all welcome to add your comments.

Game 5 Recap

A week late. SORRY!!! Boones 1 - Gunners 1 Not there - Brett, Joel, Tutt, and Todd Goal - Big Dave with an excellent assist from Chad. Gunners got their goal off a corner. We missed a ton of shots. We should have won. Gunners have nice uniforms. Arsenal's away jerseys.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Game 4 Recap

Boones 3 - Rangers 1

Another awesome turnout. Only Brady and Mucio were out.

The Rangers struck first. The Boones defense was unable to clear a cross from the Rangers. Peer said it was all Brian White's fault. The ball apparently hit his foot and rolled perfectly over to a Ranger who made a nice shot.

Boones did not give up. The game was many days so I might mess up the order of these events. A Rangers defender had a major handball in the box so we won a PK. Joel lined up the ball about 3 yards away from the goal line for the kick. After everyone got a laugh from his shenanigans he lined up the ball in the proper spot and took the kick. The Rangers keeper guesses correctly by diving to his right. He outstretched his arms and blocked Joel's shot. Tutt later found out that the Rangers keeper was none other than Jackie Moon, power forward for the Flint Tropics. No wait ... I think I got that detail wrong. Now I remember, the Rangers keeper played semi-pro soccer a few seasons ago.

Boones was able to tie things up the first half after Chris launched a ball past midfield. Dave took off after the ball and blew past their frenchy defender. Semi-pro rushed out to try to beat Dave to the ball. Dave got there about a 1/2 second before semi-pro and kicked the ball toward the goal. The ball would not have gone in the goal but Chuck was there to finish things off. 1-1. Frenchy started complaining non-stop.

We played some serious soccer in the second half. Maybe we were feeding off of the awesome home field crowd that we had. The Boones fans were screaming and yelling every time our offense made a push. Joel redeemed himself with an excellent goal to give us the 2-1 lead. Soon after that Big Dave, who must have been riding high on the Boones momentum, got a hold of one and BLASTED a LAZER BEAM shot. Semi-pro didn't even try to stop this shot. 3-1.

Our fullbacks and keeper have been playing outstanding defense all season. The halfbacks have been doing a great job helping on D as well (Tutt and D-Ray made some awesome defensive plays on Sunday). Especially kick ace has been the play of George, Preston, and Chad in the middle.

Four wins with zero ties or losses. E-L-E.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Game 4 quick thoughts

Never to take away from Julio's awesome recaps, but a couple of points I thought should make the blog for historical sake this week.

1. Good goaltending = 4-0.  Excellent job again Chris.
2. Davey's goal was top 3 in Boones history.  If that was recorded, I would put it on you tube no question about it.
3. We will go on a corner kick scoring spree sometime soon.
4. Excellent crowd today.  Always fun to to see the fans and the little guys playing their favorite halftime soccer.  Big shouts to Tyler, Bryce, and The Snake.
5. Putting the Boones in Boones United, we may had set a new record for hungover players.  I know you guys didn't feel like playing, but you sure gutted it out today.  We appreciate it.
6. Nutz, you may need to find a way to quit falling under the other teams cleats.  It starting to look like you were attacked by a bear.

Next week we are playing our old friend.

Looking forward to #10 Pele Julio's recap.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time change


Don't forget about the time change tonight. Spring forward.

See you tomorrow.

Coach Dawg

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, March 11, 2011

Game 3 Recap

Boones wins another one!

100 % attendance. Most of us had one to one subs. What that means is none of us probably played as much as we wanted to. However, if we keep our rotations as fair as possible we can all play about half the game, stay fresh, and avoid wear and tear. This should help our team as the season progresses.

Goals by Dave, Jamie, and Chuck (I think)

Shutout #2 from Chris and the defense. I don't think we had even one shutout last season.

I think the field at Hobby somehow was worse that the week before???

It was fun to watch how much faster our offensive players were than the other team's defensive players. Imagine Usain Bolt racing Stanley from "The Office" - that is what it looked like.

Who is bringing the queso to the next game?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Game 2 Recap

Recap from Game 2:

Out - Mickey and Brian White
Late - George and Chad
Injuries - Brady took himself out with minor muscle tightness; Mucio got popped in the face (he actually stopped smiling) and had some swelling near his chin

The wind was the major star of the game yesterday. It made us all look like fools. Headers were going backwards & sideways, defensive clearance kicks were going straight up then backwards, and not to mention all the whiffs out there (Chad).

We did much better in the first half when we were against the wind. Big Dave got the first goal when their keeper made a bad decision to kick a ball instead of picking it up. Dave pressured his kick and the ball hit Dave and bounced right back in the goal. Boones 1 - Weekenders 0.
Dave got the second goal when an excellent cross came from the right side (I'm guessing Joel) to the middle where Dave trapped it and shot it right past their keeper. Text book. Boones 2 - Weekenders 0. We missed on a some more opportunities and luckily so did the Weekenders. They had some decent chances near the end of the first half but were badly off target with their shots.
In the second half we had the wind at our backs. I think that made it more challenging to keep possession. However, early in the second half we were able to put something together. I think it went like this: Brett nice pass to Pup, Pup dishes off to Chuck, Chuck kicks ball into defender, Chuck gets ball back from defender, then Chuck scores goal. Boones 3 - Weekenders 0.
Weekenders put a little something together with two goals against us later in the second half. Both shots probably (in my opinion) would have gone over the top of the goal on a normal day, but the wind guided them down and it made for an interesting finish. We were able to stop them the rest of the way to earn our second win in two games. Boones 3 -Weekenders 2.

Quick Hits:
Hobby sucks.
Chuck has three goals in two games. It must be that awesome number 60 jersey he is wearing.
I had two or three accidental handballs in the game that no one saw.
Great turnout to the games so far this season.
That guy on the Weekenders was better when he wore the high-tops.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Game Two

Don't look now, but there is a 20% chance of rain on Sunday.  Keep in mind that we are playing on Dallas fields and they cancel if someone spills a cup of water on them.  Stay tuned to the blog and NTPSA website for updates.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Game One Results

My thoughts on our first game.
1. We have a bonafied keeper after all these years. 
2. The wind made the game a little interesting.  You could have sailed a boat on those fields.  Incidentally, the wind was so rough, it caused the fields to ripple.
3. Speaking of which, those fields need some serious flattening.  Not sure how you do it, but I guarantee that when their big #90 striker fell on the ground, that spot is flat.
4. #17 is one of the dirtiest soccer players of all time.  I'm glad Davey pushed his down so he could get a better look at his new socks.  I couldn't quite understand his english, but he told me they were bueno!
5. Score was 5-0 and could have been easily 10-0 or 10-2.  They had a couple floaters hit off the crossbar, but Chris was able to get enough of a touch to redirect.
6. Only Todd and Preston were out.  Tutt made it after halftime.
7. From personal experience, I was really rusty.  I'm glad that we played a weak team our first game. 

Good start to our season.

Coach Stu Dawg

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Practice and Things


We had a great turnout today. Thank you for coming out and getting a little of the soreness out of the way. Hopefully nobody was too injured when they left. Also, a big thanks to Pup for securing the field. It was awesome to have some thing that nice for a while.

A couple more thoughts.
1. Everyone has paid. Thank you. I also appreciate you pitching in the $5 bucks or so to rent the field.
2. Chris and Chuck - make sure you get your cards this week or you don't play. Chris mentioned he is going next Saturday.
3. If you are interested in getting a bigger size jersey, xxl, I have Stu Brown's and we need to give you jersey to Chuck.

Three notes about the blog.
1. I put league contact information in the right hand side. This will come in handy when we need their phone numbers or email addressed if an issue arises.
2. The schedule is updated for your convenience. Please double check me against for any typos.
3. I'm going to work on a distribution list so if anyone updates the blog, it will automatically generate an email to each one of you. Testing will commence this week.

I'm really excited about our upcoming season. We really do have a chance to win this thing.

See you next week,

Stu Dawg

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Real Big Game

The big game was not the Super Bowl in Jerry World yesterday. The real big game is Boones vs Boones at 4:00 pm in Denton on Sunday. Here are the squads:

Royal Boones:
Dave, Joel, Brady, tba, Mickey, D-Ray, Brett, Chad, Preston, and Julio

Sky Boones:
Pup, Nutz, Chuck, Clay, George, Mucio, Peer, Tutt, Bent, and Dawg

10 v 10 with no keepers. It is imperative that everyone attend. If you can not make it Sunday, please notify your coach as soon as possible. We will attempt to find replacement players if only a few guys can't make it.
Please bring at least $5.00 in cash (for field rental fees and wager), your royal blue jersey, and your sky blue jersey.
NTPSA provides us with a 10 game schedule. We usually get to play about 8 games. Consider this an extra game that we get to play this season.

Your coach will contact you soon with any further instructions.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Picture from Happy Hour

Thanks for the picture Mucio. Looking forward to seeing you guys at practice in a little over a week.

Those that are in so far:


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Practice and Money

Ok guys. You know who you are. If you have not paid, please send me a check pronto or let me know if you can bring it to practice. Which reminds me, practice is at 1600 on 2/13. I need a headcount of who will be attending. Please respond to me by commenting on the blog if you will be there.

The practice field is a full size 100 yard field. We need to have as many guys there as possible to make a good internal scrimmage. Also, bring both of your blue shirts. For Chris and Chuck, that means bring a royal blue and sky blue jersey. I'll bring a couple extra.

Pup - I can't remember the name of the facility, maybe "Game On or Game Time" something like that. If you can reply with the name or address, we can post it here for everyone.

Chris and Chuck - you need to go and get your ID cards made at the NTPSA office. The following link contains the times and dates.

The ID card is included as part of your registration feed. Just tell them your name and that you play for Boones United in 30G.

To sum this up:
1. Pay me now.
2. Show up to practice.
3. Get your ID cards.

One final note, Our schedule will come out on Saturday, Feb 12. I may need an assistant to go and pick this up and bring it to practice the following day.

Take care and keep running,

Stu Dawg

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Spring Registration


We are officially registered for the Spring season. I asked for McKinnish and RE Goode to be our home fields.

30G was the lowest division that I could register for, so I did.

Chris and Chuck - you will need to get ID cards made. Check the website for times.

Start getting in shape now.

Stu Dawg

P.S. Stu Brown is officially out and retired.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Hour

Here are the pictures from last nights happy hour. We started at Fox Sports Grill in Plano. Then most of the team went home. Chris, Chad, and I then met this dude named Kevin. It happened to be Kevin's birthday. He invited us to his birthday party and we accepted. We got to see a concert from Mini Kiss at his party. Mini Kiss is Chad's all-time favorite band. What a show!
Then we went to a toga party, did some crowd surfing to Parliament Funkadelic, partied with chickens and Carrot Top, and finally did some beer bongs. What a night!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Boot in Your Face

Does anyone visit this blog anymore?